Can you trust yourself? No, not yet… You need a Paradigm Shift: Own what owns you

paradigm shiftI get affirmation from wherever, when I am on the right path… here it goes: I just finished this article, and here is my Rob Brezsny horoscope…

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Burrow down as deep as you dare, Virgo. Give yourself pep talks as you descend toward the gritty core of every matter. Feel your way into the underground, where the roots meet the foundations. It’s time for you to explore the mysteries that are usually beneath your conscious awareness. You have a mandate to reacquaint yourself with where you came from and how you got to where you are now.

Make it yours… if you have the courage… So you can become free. The process is more intricate than Rob Brezsny indicates, but it is also more rewarding.

OK, onto the actual article…

I have this very interesting and troubling insight:

People want to learn to act from their inner authority without ever finding out the bad news about themselves:

…who they have been being, that “told” them to do all the things that made their lives not work, or not work as well as it could. Continue reading

Inventing a new you, a YOU you can become, A paradigm shift…

new you collageThis article has turned out to be quite a novella… Read it when you have time… probably not now.

Of all the things that are different between homo sapiens and human being, the hardest thing, the highest and most treacherous mountain to scale and stay on the top of, is the idea of a being that is missing… i.e. a context.

You may be familiar, even conversant about beings that are there… I am happy, I am sad, I am stupid… but a being that isn’t… is entirely outside of your ability to see.

See, as in seeing it as possible. Seeing it as something you can discover, invent for yourself. Create.

I have known people who did art in my life. A lot. But I have known only a handful who treaded into the unknown. Continue reading

Collaging to activate Spiritual Capacities

god works in mysterious waysLife works in mysterious ways…

The Law of Process is one of the most important laws of nature, of Life… and one of the laws the least number of people know about, or honors.

People are duped to believe that things just happen… and there is no process behind them happening.

Advertising, testimonials, articles, books, talk about the results, and talk about the path to them in a sketchy way… if ever.

So it is no surprise that any and all my students and clients expect instant results, instant enlightenment, instant happiness, blah blah blah when they deal with me.

Even people who have gone through a process to be as successful, or as unsuccessful as they are, cannot see the process.

I remember when I first began teaching and found out that I cannot teach what I know because Continue reading

40% of humanity never learns… But why? Hint: They are not stupid…

don't get stuck on a pageI have some students who are not keeping up with the other students. These students don’t learn. So much so, that after a whole year, they are still at page 1 or page 2 of a class… that is 100 pages… Of course there are no pages… but pages express more what I want to say than percentages.

It is the middle of the night: I got up to write this article, because I got the insight that has been missing. Continue reading

Trust or belief? Can you tell?

I wrote this article six years ago… and except for “current events” it is still accurate… My webhost hasn’t kicked me out… yet… lol.

This word, trust, has been coming upĀ  too frequently, in conversations with my students. I consider that coming up guidance, so let me start exploring trust: what it is, what it isn’t, and how to deal with lack of trust, or the different forms of distrust… and also where it comes from.

I had a great opportunity to observe myself today. My webhost shut down my site for a reason of their own. A year ago that was a daily occurrence, but this was a first since.
Continue reading

The nature of inner guidance, or how does inner guidance work?

outer guidanceHow does guidance work?

I bet, you expect a straight line from where you are to where you want to be.

Unfortunately, nature doesn’t work on a straight line.

So unless you are willing to take everything as guidance, and not stop asking, thinking you are home free… you’ll make wild left right turns before nature, Consciousness, your body takes you home.

I have been observing this for decades, and tearing my hair our…

Because more often than not, the first “guidance” towards a result you crave will take you to a bad result.

Why? I have some theories, but I don’t actually know why. Continue reading



Energy Remedies by Sophie

There can be many reasons you have a difficult time falling asleep or staying asleep. But no matter what the reason, the emotional component, your reaction of not being able to sleep, is in common.

And this remedy rescues your sleep. It works on 40 different emotional reactions, including fear, worry, anger, impatience, 40 in all.

Even though it works fast, the best way to take it is to take it throughout the day. It’s not addictive, and it won’t slow you down. Its effect is not chemical, its effect is energetic.

So it is not your usual “take it before you go to bed” type or solution.

Order your remedy here:

Go to step 2

Learn more about the New Healing Modality

Bach Flower Remedies, bach flower therapy, list of all the essencesSummary: New Healing Modality, the turning of subtle energies of plants into downloadable, infusible energies is a new modality. The 40 energies of the Heaven on Earth, the 40 Bach Energies don’t interfere with each other, unlike their original, the Bach Flower Remedies, where if you included more than 8 remedies in a mix, your results started to diminish.

The 40 energies in this remedy are the following:


Fake cheerfulness

This essence brings about emotional honesty with the self. By acknowledging and transforming deeply rooted emotional pain, one working with agrimony can come to radiate peace as a reality — not just a mask of polite good cheer.


Vague anxiety

This essence relieves fear or anxiety about the unknown. It is especially effective for highly intuitive individuals and helps them integrate messages from the spiritual world. Thus, the individual becomes consciously empowered to act with great inner knowledge and perceptive awareness — a positive step for us all.



This essence deals with relationships with others, specifically acceptance of others’ differences and imperfections. This can be helpful for individuals who have grown up with criticism and high expectation. Outwardly judgmental attitudes of intolerance reflect hypersensitivity to personal, social, and physical environments. Beech essence helps people learn to cope with their underlying sensitivity and encourages tolerance, so that one may see the good within each person.


Over-anxious to serve

This essence is all about establishing boundaries. Centaury helps one strengthen and radiate an inner sense of self so that he or she knows when to give and when enough is enough. Givers and nurturers can end up feeling depleted and resentful when they rely on pleasing others to receive self-validation. Centaury gives strength and integrity to such personalities, helping them to assume greater self-awareness, self-responsibility, and the inner strength to say “no” when appropriate.



This essence encourages self-exploration to establish highly attuned intuition and self-knowing. While seeking advice from others can be very useful, ultimately, each person is responsible for his or her decisions and the direction of a life path. This process requires that others have less influence, prompting the soul to develop independent judgment and a stronger sense of inner spirituality. Attuned confidence is beautiful and positive, when informed with love, justice and inner peace.

Cherry Plum


Cherry plum is a sweet essence that enables the individual to receive guidance and protection, despite extreme stress or hardship. Cherry plum is indicated to help the individual reconnect with the higher self, surrender to one’s source, and feel divinely supported and protected.

Chestnut Bud


This essence helps individuals break free of habitually repeated mistakes and troublesome patterns. Chestnut bud essence helps the individual cultivate karmic understanding. By grasping more quickly and more completely the essential nature of the experience at hand, the soul gathers wisdom and insight.


Demanding love

Chicory is a very important remedy for misdirected love forces. It promotes selfless love that is given freely and nourishes one’s inner neediness — helping to defuse inappropriate and manipulative behaviors that are disguised as love. Chicory essence promotes understanding of others’ needs, and helps reset and redirect heart energy.


Living in the clouds

Clematis brings alert, directed, and vibrant consciousness to those who have a tendency towards overly dreamy thinking and an underlying avoidance of the here and now. By promoting clear emotional and physical presence, this essence helps one “show up” to share his or her gifts with the world.

Crab Apple

Compulsive cleanliness

Crab Apple essence helps cleanse, restore, and bring about inner purity. It is indicated to help balance obsessive compulsive tendencies towards cleanliness, and it can also be used in a general way for any activity of purification, such as fasting. This flower essence instills a balanced soul perspective to the body and to life on Earth.


Lack of self-worth

Elm essence helps transform feelings of self doubt and being overwhelmed into joyous service, and it gives one the confidence to accomplish the tasks at hand. Elm helps one tap into inspiration and motivation from the higher self, others, and the spiritual world. Imagine the possibilities for happiness and completeness when doing things for others, after nagging stresses are removed!



This essence encourages one to persevere, remain confident, and have the faith to continue despite apparent setbacks, doubts, or perception of failure. Gentian essence helps those discouraged and disheartened individuals shift perspective to see life’s silver linings. This flower essence helps the soul to acquire great inner fortitude and unwavering trust in the outcome of life events.


Giving up easily

Gorse helps transform internalized pessimism into hope and light-filled optimism. This essence helps the pessimistic soul cultivate hope and trust to bring about a positive outcome for future life events. This quality of hope deeply affects physical as well as emotional healing with strong forces of inner light and luminous insight.


Needy child

This essence promotes inner peace and emotional self-sufficiency by reversing patterns of excessive self-concern and self-pity. It helps the individual feel self-fulfilled rather than self-absorbed. Feelings and energy that are overly directed inward can start to shift and balance out so that more energy can be shared with others. Perfect!


Hard hearted

This essence helps transform jealousy, separation, and suspicion into heartfelt compassion, connection, and the ability to express gratitude and love. Holly essence nourishes the heart and restores the soul’s ability to feel unity and wholeness.


Living in memories

Honeysuckle helps promote acceptance of one’s current life conditions and updates the soul’s need to revisit past events, places, and relationships. Honeysuckle essence is indicated for those who resist change and cling nostalgically to a past that seems to have been more appealing. It helps one learn from previous life experiences by seeing clearly their meaning and message, thus allowing one to grow and experience the now with intention and purpose.


Listless, restless, tired

The Vitality Flower: from listlessness to mental freshness to now



As the name implies, this essence helps one cultivate the patience to flow harmoniously with time and embrace the pace of others. Impatiens essence supports immersion into slower, more subtle exchanges with the world and others. Through the impatiens essence, one can deepen awareness so that the inner self becomes more receptive to the unfolding moment.


No self confidence

This essence promotes positive self-expression, self-confidence, and creative spontaneity. When one feels empowered to speak his or her truth, take risks, and live outside the box, the soul can really start to grow and evolve. This essence can be indicated for physical affliction of the throat as well as other speaking impediments. Larch flower essence frees creative potential and transforms self-limiting closed communication to a self-transcending speech and behavior.


This essence transforms apprehension and fear into courage and confidence to face life’s challenges. Mimulus is indicated for hypersensitivity to the fears of everyday events and threshold experiences. Mimulus brings light, courage, and joy back to the individual and helps one connect with strength and purpose of the higher self.



Mustard encourages a balanced perspective on life’s emotional ups and downs. Mustard essence addresses the darkness and depression that often exist deep within the subconscious memory. Rather than believing the darkness to be separate and upsetting, one can roll with the darkness and transform it into light.



Oak flower essence invites surrender, acceptance of limitations, and flexibility to those individuals who are naturally strong-willed and often bite off more than they can chew. While such persons are capable of enormous achievement, this very strength can make them rigid. This essence invites the softness and the flexibility to balance the masculine and feminine attributes of the type A personality.


Physically tired

This essence helps cultivate the conditions for deep rest and renewal due to exhaustion or overexertion of the physical body. Those needing this essence tend to identify with their physical body or the physical dimension. Often Olive essence triggers renewal and restoration of the physical body through its meta-physical influence. This is often the first essence with which people choose to work.



This is a dynamic freedom essence which enables one to move forward despite past mistakes. It is a builder of self-confidence, self-acceptance, and inner-knowing. Pine helps people release disproportionate guilt, self-blame, and physical and energetic blockages due to excessive self-criticism. Pine helps the individual find forgiveness and peace with the past and all the many layers of the self as to create the future with flare.

Red Chestnut


Red Chestnut is a love essence. It helps parents, couples, and children appease worry and concern due to caring (and worrying) exceedingly. Red Chestnut essence helps the individual establish trust, love, and knowledge of the self. This essence’s calm, vital energy helps one establish personal groundedness and clarity so as to love unconditionally.

Rock Rose


Rock Rose essence is rightfully one of the five in Bach’s Rescue Remedy as it imparts courage and self-contained balance. The fight-or-flight response is met with present sun-like forces to meet the situation at hand with self-transcending strength.

Rock Water


The essence of rock water is actually more mineral than plant. One of Edward Bach’s original English remedies, it is made from underground spring water. It helps develop inner flexibility, spontaneity, and receptiveness. Those who have extremely rigid attitudes, philosophical ideals, or life patterns can re-establish connection to soul feelings, which ebb and flow. This essence exudes flowing qualities and is often one of the first essences people use, as it can attune sensitivity to plant life.


Inner conflict

This essence helps one be decisive, make choices, and proactively create one’s wholeness and define who one is. Scleranthus flower essence guides one towards greater decisiveness and clarity of purpose, and involvement of life.

Star of Bethlehem


This flower essence is also one of the five in Edward Bach’s Rescue Remedy. Star of Bethlehem is deeply restorative and helps soothe tension and shock. This essence unifies one with the deepest parts of the self in acute moments of trauma — past, present or future. This essence seeks to attune the self with divine light and guidance.

Sweet Chestnut


Sweet Chestnut essence is the barer of great spiritual transformation and sustained change that accompanies acute traumatic events. This essence helps guide one down life’s bumpiest roads. Through intense suffering, one can receive gifts of love, forgiveness and surrender the self. Sweet Chestnut helps the soul surrender and open to a new spiritual identity.


Forceful, Overbearing

Vervain essence supports those individuals born to inspire, lead, and heal others. It helps one find physical and spiritual groundedness, establish appropriate boundaries, and release any extraneous energy and chords. Vervain essence supports the balance between charismatic, productive, idealistic, and healthy life perspectives, with connection to divine harmony.



Vine essence connects one to his or her inner truth and divine source. These individuals can be extremely generous, powerful, and willful. This essence helps one learn how to lead by example, finding inner devotion and true humility.



Walnut flower essence supports important transitions and life transformations by encouraging self-directed certainty to follow one’s own path and destiny. Usually this essence is chosen when one familiar door is closing to make way for a new, priceless door that is opening. It strengthens one’s resolve to follow through with courage in the face of opponents or past habits.

Water Violet


Water Violet helps people transition towards a more inclusive state of consciousness, social connection, and full range of self-expression. This essence helps inward, refined, and dignified individuals start to open and evolve to share compassion and joyful connections with all of humanity.

White Chestnut

Mental merry-go-round

White Chestnut essence calms the mind, quiets mental chatter, and promotes a tranquil disposition and spacious mental state, which transcends worry-bound repetitive thoughts. This can be extremely helpful when insomnia and headaches are triggered by “over-thinking.” This essence helps circulate excess mental energy downward, to be processed in the emotional centers of the heart and the solar plexus.

Wild Oat

Seeking but not finding

This essence supports the manifestation of a career path that truly aligns with one’s inner calling, true goals, and values. The health and vitality of the body and spirit will benefit greatly from the process of creating work that clearly expresses one’s life purpose and conviction. Ultimately, the essence supports one’s professional quest towards fulfillment and accomplishment.

Wild Rose


This essence supports joy and flowing commitment to life, motivation, and interest in the world and in others. Wild rose strengthens vitality and supports restorative physical and emotional embodiment, so that one may fully experience life’s precious gifts.



Willow essence promotes flexibility, forgiveness, and acceptance of one’s personal responsibilities. This essence help people let go of negative attachment to life’s challenges and problems and move on with grace, learning to go with the flow of life.

Peacock Monkshood

Soul Pain

The energy of soul pain, conscience, integrity. Goes from gentle nudging to serious pain, if you don’t listen and start mending your ways.



Wanting what belongs to another, especially control, power, domination, looking good/better, being right. Toxic.

Order your Rescue Your Sleep Energy Remedy
Read the articles

Read the original article: index

Is negativity coming from the words you speak? Is positivity coming from the words you speak?

About 50% of humanity believes that positive thinking is what is going to bring home the bacon, suppressing negative thought, negative desires. I saw a video yesterday that even the Dalai Lama’s talk is interpreted as positive thinking…

He says: a small positive thought in the morning can set your whole day on a positive spin.

What he doesn’t say is that the kind of positive thoughts people have aren’t the kind that create a positive spin… au contraire… Just the opposite: They turn your day into sh*t.

I once had a client who lived and still lives in the small upstate New York town where I live… Syracuse NY.

He said, and lived by, that Syracuse is a dark town, no sun. Continue reading

What is your time worth? What does it have to do with your worth?


what is your time worth? do you value your time?If you are in business… or even if you are only selling your time/work at a job or freelancing, pricing your merchandise, friendship, advice, companionship, your time, your service is going to be something worth looking at.

A few decades ago I published a magazine. The magazine was free, the income came from advertising.

A girl whom I knew from before, who worked at the same architect’s office I worked, called me and asked if she could trade cleaning my office for advertising. Turns out she was turning tricks…

She came to the office, worked for an hour and expected it to cover the price of a quarter page ad, $200 at the time.

Why? Because that is what she got paid by her johns. lol Continue reading

Your deserving factor, your earning factor… How much do you deserve? How much have you earned? Are you worth a damn?

The 67 steps… does doing the 67 steps make you deserving? And if yes, why and how?

I am listening to step 1 of the 67 steps again. The seventh time? Eighth time? I have lost track.

And as is usual for me, I am seeing something that Tai is not saying, and I kind of have been seeing, but not really. In the corner of my eyes.

  • The whole program, the 67 steps, is based on a few quotes: “but is he worth a damn?”
  • And the one by Charlie Munger: “In life, to get what you want you, need to deserve what you want.”
  • And the third: “there are only three types of people: people who make things happen, people who watch things happen, and people who ask: what the heck happened?” Continue reading