Why do I want you to watch Bob The Butler?

I watched Bob The Butler again yesterday.

I want all my clients to watch it to see some of themselves.

I love, have always loved that movie. There is something magical about it, regardless of its fantasy ending. But what?

After all Bob is a slob, a never do well, an uncoordinated big slab of a guy. He gets his vocational and relationship guidance from a hamster. Not who you want your students to be… would you?

And yet. Continue reading

What is a bigger threat than global warming?

Oxygen. Just google “air oxygen content historically” without the quotation marks, and be amazed how much you don’t know.

Humanity, life, evolved to a certain mix of conditions on Planet Earth, long long time ego. Billions of years? Long time.

Billions of dollars I may understand… 1-2-3 and I count to billions. But billions of years? So between 1 and 2 I have to wait a year? lol… I can’t fathom that. So a long long time ago is enough for me. Continue reading

Would you be more successful in life with a higher IQ?

In the past few years I raised my available and useful IQ 75 points.

What did I do?

Listen up! Whoever you are, wherever you start, you can do it too!

When I muscletest people I find a marked difference between their innate IQ and their available IQ. Sometimes as much as 60 points.

  • Available IQ is what produces the results that you want.
  • Innate IQ may be the highest you can raise your available IQ.

Continue reading

Just because you have been waiting so patiently

I am feeling almost the same way I felt two weeks ago.

I have decide to give you the recording of a call I had with a student of mine earlier today.

you can find out what’s going on… and I also do a little bit of teaching.


Audio Player

Read the original article: Just because you have been waiting so patiently

No elbow room, no freedom to be… that is the ditch

We all live in a ditch-like space that gets deeper and maybe even narrower as we go along.

A ditch is like a tunnel except that it is open to the sky.

People don’t know they live in a ditch. Why? Because all they know is the ditch. It becomes everything because the only thing that would distinguish the ditch is ‘not-ditch’. But because a person in a ditch can only see what is in the ditch and the dirt that is its wall, ditch can’t be distinguished from the inside of it.

My job, in this article, is to cause you to SEE, aka distinguish your ditch so you can have more than just that in your life. Continue reading

After I almost fell off the face of the planet…

After I almost fell off the face of the planet… people asked me: how can I help you? What can I do for you?

And until now I have answered: there is nothing you can do, thank you very much for offering.

But upon looking at my bank account balance, I decided to ask for something. Something like a win-win.

Not money… my philosophy is ‘if I didn’t earn I don’t eat’. But I learned something a long time ago, heard it again many times since. But unfortunately sometimes it takes 20-30 years to move on something. Continue reading

What is the ONE THING that decides your future?

one thing: attention storyOne day a Zen master told his students that he was going to teach a new technique of shooting an arrow.

He instructed his students to cover his eyes with a cloth and then he shot his arrow. When he opened his eyes, he saw the target with no arrow in it and when he looked at his students, they looked embarrassed because their teacher had missed.

The Zen master asked, ‘What did you learn?’ Continue reading