Watching videos lowers your intelligence, while reading…

I am watching The Incredible Hulk (2008 With Edward Norton).

I have jumped up and paused the movie every five minutes so far… And I have been pondering why.

I can read two-three-four hours without jumping up…

And suddenly I realized: a movie forces itself, forces its speed, forces its ‘don’t think just take what I want you to think’ attitude on you, so you don’t have any time to digest, to ponder, to have a say. None.

And maybe that is the reason humans never think. Information overload

Read the original article: Watching videos lowers your intelligence, while reading…

It takes energy to go to the next level, to be happy.

It takes energy to go to the next level. It takes energy to be happy.

Where are you leaking energy? Reclaim your energy

I am reading a book by one of my absolute favorite writers, Colin Wilson.

This is the first non-fiction book I read in a month. I have put myself on a Tree-of-Knowledge withdrawal fast. I am breaking the fast with his book. The title is ‘Super Consciousness: In Quest for the Peak Experience’

Read the original article: It takes energy to go to the next level, to be happy.

A rocket ship drops what would tether it to Earth

Birds, reptiles, bugs molt… mammals shed.

Molting is a tool. You outgrow who you were, and shed the old size.

Humans are mammals and they don’t molt. Culling is the design to cause evolution for mammals. More about that in another article…

Humans haven’t changed, inside, the who hasn’t changed for 100,000 years.

In this article I teach you how to molt, even if other humans don’t. How to use molting to become better and better version of yourself. So you can build a better and better life for yourself.

Read the original article: A rocket ship drops what would tether it to Earth

Your life, driven by your concerns, will…

You can have two kinds of attitude in life, and which one you have will decide what kind of life you’ll live.

And no, it is not innate. You are not born with it, you assumed that attitude, for reasons of your own.

The two attitudes are

1. coming from
2. going to
I measure this in the Starting Point Measurements as outcome dependence.
I measure to what degree you hope, expect, effort, work, pretend, lie, cheat so that you get what you want. Security, health, wealth, love, fulfillment, happiness…

You want Life, people, society to give you that you want… And your happiness, fulfillment, etc. depend on what you get.

Read the original article: Your life, driven by your concerns, will…

The invisible context gives you the quality of your life

I got the following story in an email. Great story to illustrate context. Another word for context is frame, because it is outside of the picture, it is not part of the picture, yet the picture changes when the frame changes, just like the stories of your life change when you manage to change the context, even if the new context has to be helped by a coach, like myself.

You see, what makes the stories and their meanings stuck is that the frame, that the context is invisible.

If it were readily visible, you would see to it that you change it. But as with everything that makes you miserable, it is the invisible that needs to be made visible, if you ever hope to get rid of the misery.

Read the original article: The invisible context gives you the quality of your life

Vibrational Review: dattatreya siva baba, dr. Pillai, vipassana, Osho Updated

dattatreya siva baba: (Dr. Baskaran Pillai) is the founder of Astroved, and The University of Astroved Vedic Sciences. He has researched Vedic Sciences for the past 40 years and is a world leader in educating many cultures and countries on the benefits of remedial astrology. Dattatriya Siva Baba is an enlightened Vedic Astrology Master and is also the first to bring a systematic approach to Nadi Astrology to the Western world. Personal vibration: 190. Teaching: 190: 8% truth, 92% made-up.
Vipassana is a meditation technique. Its claim to fame is that the Buddha used it and one night he became enlightened (whatever that means). If I know correctly (sorry, I am unwilling to research it) it is simply watching the breath. Osho (someone I do read!) says that if you can watch your breath for 45 minutes without thought you will become enlightened.That is a horrible way to use your life, I say. It may take several lifetimes, and so what? The consciousness is not in the technique: the consciousness is in connecting to the Beyond. That is from where the knowledge comes and there are much easier methods to connect, the Tangerine Method being one.Vibration of the method: 300
Osho: personal vibration: 300. Teaching: 310. Why so relatively low? Osho tried to accommodate the thought processes of the Westerners and corrupted his own. Nevertheless, if you read it while connected, or if you read it while your vibration is lower and you are struggling with the basic issues, if you locate yourself in the mind, Osho is a great master to read.But only about 40% of what he says is accurate, but the untruth should not bother you: combined his techniques and stories with my methods of stepping back, flashing out your cone of vision, connecting, and activators, you can surpass him in vibration.

Let me measure your vibration?Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.

Read the original article: Vibrational Review: dattatreya siva baba, dr. Pillai, vipassana, Osho Updated

What made me happy, happy enough to want to live

If, and when you manage to get out from behind your own eyeballs, you make someone happy… what just happened?

I have been alive for 75 years. I have experienced being made happy, made proud, only a few times.

What makes anyone happy is when what they do is acknowledged as useful. When they find that they were instrumental is someone else’s success, or happiness.

Not what you thought?

Read the original article: What made me happy, happy enough to want to live

What is faith, what is belief? Do you know what you know?

Assumptions, assuming… the not seeing beyond the cover

I have made a lot of mistakes in my life…

The biggest, I say, were the result of this cognitive bias we all have. Making assumptions based on insufficient data.

Assumption is jumping from seeing something and its meaning… without looking further, or looking again.

Given that astuteness is the exact opposite: making the correct interpretation of phenomena or data, assumption is the sign of stupidity.

And I have been guilty of that.

Read the original article: What is faith, what is belief? Do you know what you know?

Want to steal a Jewish trick for prosperity? Read my article: How Can A Yarmulke Help You To Get Rich?

I once read a book that was teaching Jewish values, the values that made so many Jews wealthy, so many Jews high achievers, so many Jews Mensch, which is Yiddish for a righteous human being.

This article is about stealing a Jewish custom, that looks silly to steal, yet, unbeknownst to Jews made them special and specially favored, judged by all the achievements: and that is the custom of wearing a skullcap, also called yarmulke or kipa.

Continue reading

What is really the strait and narrow in real life?

I assume that the Bible is talking about strait and narrow spiritually.

And then there are sermons, and teachings, and mimes about it, because it’s not working. people don’t know what to do with it.

But strait and narrow is a very potent medicine. It could heal a lot of the ills that anyone can experience.

So what are the ills of people, what are the ills of society that strait and narrow, and its brother strait and deep could reverse?

Inversion is a great tool to start with.

Read the original article: What is really the strait and narrow in real life?