Entitlement, deserving: do you get what you deserve?

What is the opposite of entitled?

This question around entitlement is asked on google thousands times a day, and the trend is that this number is growing steadily.

More in certain countries… More in religious countries… Christian countries… Countries with deep Christian roots, like Ireland. One can safely assume that entitled, and deserving was invented by Christianity to promote certain behaviors that a father would want their child to demonstrate.

Other words that express this same entitlement are deserve and deserving. Continue reading

The most instructional movie to illustrate consciousness awakening

In this movie, a man, unconscious of himself, his actions, of anything about himself, starts to hear his life narrated in his head (the Observer or the Witness), and starts living his life from that perspective, outside of his body, outside of his mind.

The movie is brilliant. Stranger than fiction. It stars Will Farrell, and Will Farrel could be you.

Now, here is a clue about you: how you will read this article can tell you everything about you.

How you do anything is how you do everything.

It will tell you your future more reliably than anything else you could hear or read.
It will tell you your level of intelligence.
It will tell you what you can hope to get out of my products, my courses, my work. Reliably.

Read the original article: The most instructional movie to illustrate consciousness awakening

What gives you wings? What do you hope will give you wings?

When I was a kid I read a book about Sam Small, The Flying Yorkshireman. I read it in Hungarian… It was easier to read in Hungarian than in English… Ugh… that Yorkshire accent in writing… impossible to tolerate.

Anyway, this Sam Small could fly. And I decided that I wanted to fly too. I spent all my imagination… what it would be like to fly.

Unfortunately all my fancies were about escaping… I don’t know what it is about me: I still have nightmares about escaping, and there is always flying.

Read the original article: What gives you wings? What do you hope will give you wings?

If you live like you have to feel different to do different, you are screwed. Guaranteed

What keeps you stuckI am starting see that what keeps you stuck is that you identify yourself with your thoughts or your feelings, or both.

Bad news: Thoughts and feelings are reactionary: Without a circumstance changing, neither of them will change, and life will continue to go downhill.

Your thoughts and feelings can only change when something else changes. Why? Because thoughts and feelings are like a thermometer. They are a reaction to something else… Thermomenter reacts to the temperature. Feelings and thoughts react to some other circumstance.

Unless somne circumstance changes, nothing will change.

Read the original article: If you live like you have to feel different to do different, you are screwed. Guaranteed

Do you have an unhealthy relationship with money?

I thought I would report on the Moneyroots workshop… given the seemingly no interest… Four people, the same four people paid for both workshops.

That made it very easy for me: I didn’t have to repeat anything… I am not good at repeating, my brain isn’t good at that. My brain is like the adventurers of the North Pole… may stop to sleep, to refuel, but then it charges on.

Anyway, forgive me when I say it: anyone who didn’t sign up is a moron.

Read the original article: Do you have an unhealthy relationship with money?

What is Worse Than Procrastination?

Exchanging the dollars for pennies…

This is a second article about procrastination and it deals with an aspect of “not doing what you said you’d do” that needs to be talked about: choosing something easy to do instead.

Something that comes easy to you, something that uses up your time, takes away your attention to what you said you wanted to do… and leaves you with no energy, no future, no self, no integrity, and no gusto, no elan, can’t find an English word… real pleasure in life.

So, what are the things you do, I do, to avoid growing, to avoid the discomfort of the action that would take us to where we want to be?

Read the original article: What is Worse Than Procrastination?

Trim Tab, the counter cultural tool of winners


TrimmedBoat_bigYou want to raise your vibration? Want to be happy, fulfilled, harmonious, in balance, at peace? This may be the most important article you can read.

Without this tool you have a rough ride, with this tool… your ride is smooth. [note]


One of the most counter-cultural distinctions that came from Buckminster Fuller is the trim tab, or small actions that turns big ships.
Continue reading

If you grew up in a dysfunctional family, does it mean…

I have been working with my core group… and some of them I have had a difficult time to see why they never put out, why they never do what is theirs to do.

This article to unwrap that issue… and look at behavior differently. The student is judgmental… Has high, impossible standards for others… So let’s see what she could do so she could become a productive person, and maybe love herself…
The dysfunctional family
Here are some behaviors that I say come from this kind of upbringing… growing up in a dysfunctional family.

Read the original article: If you grew up in a dysfunctional family, does it mean…