If you are on this site, you will find yourself, more or less, in this article. And it may change your life.
A student writes,
Hi Sophie, I think I take trivial and superficial things too seriously. How can I let go of these immaterial incidents or people and focus on important things that truly matter to me?
I also find out that sometimes I become the victim of scams.
this was my answer
This is the sign of two things, Kate: 1. your map of reality isn’t very similar to reality. 2. you have too much importance attached to nice words about you… i.e. you want to be defined by words not by your actions.
It is the main reason I read the book Feelings, to f
I don’t want to change you into my vision of you. Rather, I want to motivate you into becoming the person you are capable of becoming.
– Life Mapping (Bill Cohen)
Display and existence. These are two Landmark distinctions.
As I am looking at my students, the biggest missing is not intelligence, not diligence, it is these two distinctions.
I am still doing the preparation series for the mapping your life, or lifemapping workshop: I want you to come and do the work, instead of listening to me doing teaching.
Every learning is 5% input, and 95% you doing what you need to do, practicing it, using it, putting it into action.
So this is what these distinction and the article about
This is a brilliant article… except one thing: I see this same thing across the board, across all ages. 20 to 70…
So this article is probably written about you, accurately, if you are not happy when you are not happy.
Why Generation Y Yuppies, and you! Are Unhappy ((By Tim Urban))
Say hi to Lucy.
Lucy is part of Generation Y, the generation born between the late 1970s and the mid 1990s. She’s also part of a yuppie culture that makes up a large portion of Gen Y.
I have a term for yuppies in the Gen Y age group—I call them Gen Y Protagonists & Special Yuppies, or GYPSYs. A GYPSY is a unique brand of yuppie, one who thinks they are the main character of a very special story.
When people want to raise their vibration, when people want to improve their lives, ultimately I recommend that they start with increasing their cell hydration.
The cell, when it is struggling to perform the functions the cell is designed to do, has a real hard time to give you energy for life.
The life that you want to live needs you to have a lot more energy than you have, physical energy, emotional energy, intellectual energy, spiritual energy. And when your cells are dehydrated they can’t give it to you.
I don’t know if it is true that death is when enough of your cells die because of dehydration, but it makes a lot of sense.
Today (9/29/2016) I saw something I did not see before… And it surprised me, and filled with compassion.
The seed level, the dominant belief of this soul correction is that something inherently wrong with them, and that they are worthless.
Of course it is not the truth, it’s a dominant belief you are born with… I have traces of it, and my soul correction is “Forget Thyself”… and every achievement, every accomplishment I had for 50 years or more was to fix it.
It cannot be fixed because it is not true. And therein lies the problem: what do you do with something that is not fixable?
Unevolved “Removing Hatred” people hide it. And they pay a price. A big price. I have two people in my family with this soul correction… one died at age 4
Animals are not forceful. Plants are not forceful. Why? Because, while the selfish gene is quite forceful, the animals surrender to the selfish gene… and go “with” it.
Humans are animals with a mind… and the mind is forceful. More forceful than the selfish gene…
The selfish gene is clear on what it wants: it wants to increase itself in the gene pool. That is all it is interested in. It negotiates with nature, with other species, with toxins, with members of the same species continually to lead to evolutionary stable strategies…. ess in short. It adapts or it dies. The more adaptable, the more aware the gene and the vehicle, the more successful the gene is in propagating itself, and it thrives. It cannot
I am talking about the timing of the Big Power… coming down. But how did it happen? How could I screw up like this?
OK, fair enough. Let’s look how…
I didn’t do enough research and the power has been already coming down like there is no tomorrow.
This article is a tad meandering… you need to just walk with me to get the benefit. If you do, you’ll like it. If you don’t: you’ll hate it. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you!
I didn’t sleep a wink last night. I was in bed, but not sleeping. The energy was so strong. Now I am starting to understand while, like clockwork, some nights I am so full of energy I can’t sleep… This is new to me too…