Acceptance: what it is, what it isn’t

Acceptance… does it mean you like it? Does it mean you condone it? Does it mean you want it? Does it mean you are a doormat?

Accepting things the way they are, people the way they are and the way they aren’t, is the key to happiness.

But, as I am finding out, there is a confusion about what acceptance means.

For it to be clear, we need to first look at resistance.

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What is Love, how does meditation work, what do the activators do?

I have a Landmark Education friend. In Landmark you invent a new possibility for yourself and your life as often as daily… Possibility used to fix your wretched life… in spite of the fact that possibility does none of that.

I may talk about this in another article, but in this one, I’d like to share my educated take on LOVE… and some other topics…

This friend has been calling me all week. He invented loving people. Suddenly he is calling me. And gushing… about love, loving me, blah blah blah.

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Happy Thanksgiving from Sophie

Thanksgiving… a pagan feast to celebrate another year’s passing… survival.

You are reminded to say thanks, and many do, around the dinner table, while the food is getting cold. You try to beat the previous speaker… you are even more grateful, thankful, appreciative than them.

Is that real gratitude? Is that real appreciation?

No, and your results show.

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Shall I measure your vibration when you are your best, or when you are your worst?

This week I have been working to make my vibrational reviews more accessible, easier to find. I didn’t realize: it’s a lot of work.

Then someone requested a vibrational review on a person I have never heard about. I started to investigate, and could not see how she can be so famous and such low vibration. Personal vibration 100, fame: through the roof.

Asking myself this question made my Reticular Activator start working in earnest.

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Before it’s a mindset, it’s a skill… if you don’t build skills, you can’t change your mindset

Before it’s a mindset, it’s a skill

With that said, please understand, that no one can give you skills. Therefore no one can change your mindset. Your beliefs. Your stored memories. Your misery. Only you can. All those people that do voodoo, thought shifting, energy whatnot, chakra healing, and other instant b.s. are liars, cheaters, fakes, frauds, and impostors.

The decline of humanity, I think, began or was accelerated when people thought that because they understand it, therefore they can do it, and do it at will, do it well, keep it up, etc.

Everything requires skills, and skills need to be built. With practice, over a long time. Just look at crash diets: you lost the weight but you built no skills to eat correctly, to redirect your urges, so you will pack back the pounds and more… No skills, no slim body… very simple.

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You live in a machine and you feed, unwittingly, the machine

Every single human (and to a certain degree lots of animals) has automatic ways of being, that could be called a machine, because their behavior is predictable, it is machine-like. Push a button and outcomes the same result, every time.
Every person I know is, more or less, an emotional wreck……

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You can become happy… by practicing one action

Sophie Benshitta Maven
Happiness is a function of accepting what is. Life is like this weird rose… doesn’t look the way it should… orderly, smooth, safe, winning, beautiful, etc… Hard to accept, hard to even tolerate… Right? What is accepting what is? Accepting … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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The Eastern philosophy that put billions of people into poverty, living in hovels, by accepting it as inevitable, karma, really appeals to Americans.

Tweet What is so attractive about Eastern philosophy and karma? My guess is that Eastern Philosophy advocates being in the present moment. If you sit down, close your