I get insights in bite size chunks… here is a new insight I just got. Your attention, that force to reckon with, that power you wield to bring life to stuff is connected to your breath. They say: what you … Continue reading → Related Posts: The World Is Waiting To Exhale… You cannot catch […]
Haven’t been able to grow? Raise your vibration? Live from your higher self?
Humans have a dual nature, that is the enemy of growth, enemy of learning, enemy to the survival of the species…
Arrogance and pride…
Arrogance is duality in itself.
It says,
on one hand: I already know. I know. I am beyond that.
on the other hand: OMG, I am so stupid. I make so many mistakes. I better slow down, and not be so sure.
What “it” says it knows? Everything. It knows if it is worth it to listen. It knows if it can. It knows the future, the past, what it means, what it doesn’t mean, what it’s about, what is important and what isn’t.
All the background stuff… the stuff that is largely invisible.
Unwillingness masquerading as confusion, fear, and a host of other “symptoms”
I don’t wanna…! You can’t make me… Nooo!
We expect these reactions from children, but more than 50% of all soul corrections’ foundational issue is this unwillingness, this resistance.
If you remember, all soul corrections are, fundamentally, about restricting desire for the self alone (evil, negative energy).
Obviously, this resistance, this unwillingness is about you, and not something beyond you… What you are gaining from this behavior is only for you, and not for anyone else’s sake, and it serves only your lowest self… not anything else.
So we can say, safely, that it is one of the ma
Vibrational Review: Mindvalley Academy, WildFit, Eric Edmeades Review
This is a long article… about WildFit… Eric Edmeades program that is opening on September 15 on MindValley… and it answers the question: should you do it? Is it any good? What is the truth value? What is the lie value? Worth reading… I think.
I am still on Mindvalley’s mailing list under a fake name… and from time to time I even open their email… like yesterday.
It seems that they are doing a new class with Eric Edmeades and his Wildfit program.
So I watched some of the videos, signed up to a pre-recorded webinar, and diligently muscle tested… because the claims are so seductive and so believable, that I needed to keep myself from being sucked in.
Eric Edmeades i
Updated: The secret of being able to change, and be reborn with a higher frequency
The original of this article was published a year ago… I have added new insights today The secret of my being able to change, and be reborn with a higher frequency, a higher vibration, is that I have been able … Continue reading → Related Posts: What’s the difference between a DNA activation and self-control? […]
Self-image: unless you see yourself doing it… you won’t do it.
Sounds simple, right? self-image means: how you see yourself… but nothing internal is as simple and as straight as that?
The way scientists, medical practitioners, diet-cults, pharmaceutical companies work is called linear reductionism… ((
[ri-duhk-shuh-niz-uh m]
the theory that every complex phenomenon, especially in biology or psychology, can be explained by analyzing the simplest, most basic physical mechanisms that are in operation during the phenomenon.
the practice of simplifying a complex idea, issue, condition, or the like, especially to the point of minimizing, obscuring, or distorting it.
)) and it is a cognitive bias.
A cognitive bias refers to a systematic pat
Dr. Mercola and his site… a vibrational review
- his vibration 170
- his overall IQ including his intelligence 70 (average)
- the number of spiritual capacities he has 8. A practicing doctor needs 20 capacities… but he is a teacher instead.
- his soul correction (his machine) DOB July 8, 1954. His soul correction is the same as mind: Forget Thyself.
- does he have attachments? no
- the level of his health 30%
- the level of his cell hydration 7%
The most important thing you want to get from these numbers:
How do you know if you are growing, or just imagining that you are?
My homework for the course I am in is to read 200 testimonials to a book in my niche.
My niche is self growth, becoming a human being, being all you can become…
A little vague, I am afraid. But being able to pinpoint what attracts people that say they want to grow is what I want to do… so I have been reading those darned testimonials.
I’ve chosen to only track testimonials to book I have read myself:
Frequency by Penney Peirce (personal vibration: 130)… Truth value 3% and E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout (personal vibration: 170) truth value between 5 and 8 percent, depending where the reade
Truth value… let’s talk about truth value
During the summer of 1966 I ran into a girl I knew from elementary school. Turns out she applied and was accepted to the same school I was going to start in that September.
We were having a chat. I remember thinking to myself: Compared to her I know everything… why am I going to school?
We both graduated. I am sure she still thinks she knows everything. My experience is that I know less and less as time goes by.
Whether you can identify with my 19 year old person, or my 69 year old person, and to what degree will be important, so jot it down.
This article will attempt to answer truth value.
What is the opposite of truth? I have no idea.
One path to Self you may want to take
One of the capacities you want to cultivate is the capacity of being in awe. Awestruck, awe-inspired.
Why? Because unless you can be moved on the inside, you are dead and I can’t help you… nobody can.
Unless you can attain to a certain level of awe, you are not going to be able to have a purpose to your life, or love, or rise above the pedestrian existence of the current humanity.
And no, I am not going to turn it on for you, please don’t ask.
This is a pro