Every plant is toxic. Every animal is toxic. To one degree or other.
The difference between plants and other plants, from your point of view, is what plant your body can use without much harm, because your body has evolved to handle the toxins in the plant.
Just like high altitudes are deadly for some people, and natural for others, for example the Tibetans, your body can handle some things and can’t handle others.
It takes thousands years of exposure to develop the ability to eat one food and be well, even though it’s toxic.
A German who escaped just before all the Jews were hoarded into concentration camps in Germany, came to the United States.
His name was Robert Hartman.
His experience with evil uniquely qualified him to set out to deal with the age long question: what is evil, what is good?
He took on himself to define good… the strait and narrow. Many philosophers failed in that: after all the strait and narrow is delineated by the land that encloses it, not by itself…
But he succeeded.
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Then I changed my diet and the sense of smell came back.
Surprisingly I often smell things that didn’t seem to be there… Bringing up memories of the times I smelled the same… good smell, bad smell, neutral smell.
It’s hot here, unseasonably hot, and to accommodate it I am taking cold showers and I am eating differently.
I made a dip-like thing I used to love in Hungary and I hadn’t eaten in 35 years… a simple dish mixing spices, butter, and goat cheese, and if you have it, onion or onion powder… the goat cheese is salty enough, so use sweet unsalted butter, and saltless onion powder, or it w
Whoever thought that the well-meaning positive thinking will become a prison and a sentence to a ‘no joy life’ for most who become a “practitioner” of it, about 80% of humanity at this time.
Whether you know it or not, your powers of comprehension depend on your powers of distinguishing.
In the old est training, the trainers came to the room on the first day blasting: “for you everything is the same as everything else…” and they were as accurate as accurate they would be today: you can’t tell your ass from your elbow.
This is true for everybody, including yours truly… the dif
“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” —Marie Curie, Our Precarious Habitat
The “What’s The Truth About You” workshop series is kicking off this afternoon.
As usual I haven’t done any preparation: I never do. I like my life, my teaching fluid. Freezing it would be to ignore guidance, stop growing, and start becoming a sculpture on a pedestal.
I slept well last night. I had a ton of guiding dreams. All about what I am trying to do
Yes. Mind movies and vision boards are a mental representation of some fancy that you have… creative or not so creative visualization. Low vibration, low consciousness, wishful thinking stuff. ((It is created for people and bought by people who have no business to use it, because it only increases their misery, their sense of inferiority. Why? Because mind movies and vision boards are based on a false theory, that if you really really really want something, then it will move towards you. But as an empath, I can tell you with certainty, that exactly the opposite is true. The really wanting is actual
Life is like being in a train: you can look out on the left side, the right side, the back, the front… but it won’t change that you are on a train that will arrive to its destination, no matter where you look.
Most of us live this way most of the time.
We do our jobs, we do our relationships, we do our projects, we do our lives this way.
Fulfilling? No. Enjoyable? It depends…
Ultimately we are plagued by a nagging sense that we are out of control, that no matter what we do won’t change anything. Some of us feel doomed. Some of
This may be the most important article you read this year, this decade… because this article may inspire you to become a professional at living, instead of remaining a rank amateur… aka bumbling idiot.
Risk Management
You have two options. You need to choose. You need to choose the option that has the lower cost to your reproductive success if it turns out to be wrong.
Now, I suspect, that almost none of us think about cost in terms of reproductive success, but according to evolutionary psychology, you are a mere vehicle to your genes, your genes are only inte
This feeling can be colored by fear, dread, can feel like anxiety, but at the root of most fear is a sense that you are insufficient for the task that is in front of you.
Not big enough, not smart enough, not fast enough… Not enough = insufficient.
Now, for most people, feeling this is all they need to run for the hills.
For some people, they can hang in there, waiting for the feeling to subside.
For some people, unless they feel up to the task, they won’t even start.
For me: I know that unless I feel that and go beyond it, doing what I don’t feel I can, several times a