A lot of years ago a guy, another participant stood up in a Landmark Education seminar and shared something that has impacted my life to this day.
Here is what he said:
“The other day I was lying on the couch, working on a report for my workplace.
I didn’t like what I wrote, so I crumpled the paper and pitched it to the waste basket that was on the other side of the room. After missing it several times, my wife picked up the waste basket and put it right next to me.”
That was all he said. I was shaken to the core. Move the things you need close to where you need them… Hah.
Visualization is a tool to accomplish what you want, but it can also be the tool to diagnose what you are not resonating with. Or a tool to get trapped in the desire trap.
The ultimate clue as to what you can have and hold onto, is to what degree you can visualize, what detail, what variety of images you can have in your “movie”.
This is what vision boards and vision movies use.
As with any other singular method, the results are a mixed bag: about 6% of the users see their vision materialize, some sees some result, most see no result.
Why is that? why is it that a Frank Kern, millionaire marketer, can envision in one afternoon a whole life, with a lot of details, like the tiles of the bathroom, and a few years la
Success literature, books, articles, movies about success… are they worth following?
Success leaves traces… as in footprints in the sand
If you look at what people did, how they did it, the tracks converge and become the “strait and narrow’, exactly the way Leo Tolstoy says it in the Anna Karenina Principle.
So there is no wonder that I am finding articles nowadays that I could have written myself, if I were a success writer.
There are three types of success writers and success coaches.
One type: they can talk… and talk… and talk. No success where they are, because they don’t even try. They live by teaching something that they learned… but never successfull
I don’t want to change you into my vision of you. Rather, I want to motivate you into becoming the person you are capable of becoming.
– Life Mapping (Bill Cohen)
Display and existence. These are two Landmark distinctions.
As I am looking at my students, the biggest missing is not intelligence, not diligence, it is these two distinctions.
I am still doing the preparation series for the mapping your life, or lifemapping workshop: I want you to come and do the work, instead of listening to me doing teaching.
Every learning is 5% input, and 95% you doing what you need to do, practicing it, using it, putting it into action.
So this is what these distinction and the article about
The hardest thing for people is to find the middle ground, the sustainable, the mean. The smooth. The life they claim they want. Everyone, on and off the internet, is trying to monopolize your time.
It is a lot like walking on a rope… any movement, leaning to the left immediately needs to be balanced to the right.
In rope dancing the consequences are clear and immediate.
In plate spinning: the consequences are clear and immediate.
In life, even in business, the consequences are removed, timewise, and unless you are astute with a very wide cone of vision, you don’t know what you are causing with each and every movement you make…
Human DNA has 160 spiritual capacities hard-coded. These are the capacities that can and hopefully will take humanity to the “human being” level, (and beyond,) where beingness causes action, not greed and other survival energies. At present there are eight individuals on the human being level on the planet. I don’t know who they are… I know I am one of the eight. You need 60 active spiritual capacities to be on that level.
80 of these capacities is activated in the Second Phase Activator Course.
A “normal” human has 2-5 spiritual capacities active, helping them to grow, make money, get along with others and themselves. Be healthy, be wise, be happy. 2-5 is mighty few…
Talk about useless activity! Tree of Knowledge, mind candy, justifying self… all the bad stuff. Bad for you… keeping you exactly where you are… and if that is a bad place… then it keeps you firmly anchored to that bad place.
And it is the overwhelming habit of readers of my site.
But to make it even worse: it is the habit of some of my 67 step students.
Useless, waste of time, unless all you want is entertainment. Then I understand.
So if you actually wanted, what you read/listen to, to make a difference for you, what should you do?
Every day works best if and when you have a context set in the first hour of the day. ((If you prefer the imprecise New Agey language of Esther Hicks, the original quote is here
Take the time to line up the Energy first, and action becomes inconsequential. If you don’t take the time to line up the Energy, if you don’t find the feeling place of what you’re looking for, not enough action in the world will make any difference.
She is trying to say the same thing. Trying.))
For most of you this is the same old, same old, because you put your attention to everything the same old way. I am not saying you should DO something different every morning, that is not what I am saying.
Stress is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When you feel threatened, your nervous system responds by releasing a flood of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, which rouse the body for emergency action.
You probably think that stress is the same for everyone, that stress is a physical reality, but it doesn’t seem to be that way.
There is no such thing as stress. Stress only exists when someone says so: it is a lot like most people we deal and struggle with in life: made up by humans. Not real…