I used to lead introductions to the Landmark Forum.
There is a part in the introduction where you attempt to distinguish for people that most of what’s knowable for a human: you don’t know. Moreover: you don’t know what you don’t know.
Then you ask a simple question: Can you give me an example of what you don’t know that you don’t know?
In most groups there is at least one person who tries… Everybody laughs… because the answer to that question can only be: I don’t have an example… You can give an example of what you used to not know but now know… but that is an answer to a different question.
Now, one of the beauties of reading is finding stuff that you didn’t know that you didn’t kn
The original of this article was published a year ago… I have added new insights today The secret of my being able to change, and be reborn with a higher frequency, a higher vibration, is that I have been able … Continue reading → Related Posts: What’s the difference between a DNA activation and self-control? […]
Motto: Mentor: Someone whose hindsight can become your foresight
Remember who you are
In 1981 I got a letter from a man from Israel. He claimed to be a second cousin on my father’s side to me. He was coming to an educational conference in Hungary. He came with his wife.
We spent time together, they were staying with me, in my one-bedroom high-rise apartment in Budapest. He visited with every member of my family, and witnessed their contempt for me first hand.
He promised to be family to me if I decided to go to Israel.
One year later I packed a suitcase and left Hungary. illegally. It was winter in Hungary when I left, in fact it w
The first thinking brain, the genes driven brain creates a life of reactivity, full of fear, full of anxiety, full of sharp turns and devastating jerks. I’ve lived there… and I hated it.
The second thinking brain, the one that evaluates, reasons, figures stuff out, is slow and plodding, and hard work. Creates real solutions, keeps you out of trouble… but not really fun.
And then there is the third thinking brain… the work of thinking is done in the background, on the back burner, while the foreground is silent, resting, or busy learning something new..
That is where I live now.
I am getting a few questions about that, and I decided to tell you as much as I can see… the mechani
..that is one of the disappointing things you learn when you do work with me. I won’t feed you balooney like “you are a spiritual being having a human experience…” and other garden variety horse manure.
The other half-sentence is just as disappointing: “you can’t get out of this life alive…”
These two half-sentences address 70% of the popular delusions of humanity.
When you internalize these truly, when you start to be energized by them then your vibration will jump 50 points or more.
Download the pdf version of this article at the end of the article
I started to offer attachment removal this past week Last year. This is one I did today… and I am sharing it with you because there is a great lesson in it, especially if you read Osho’s words I also … Continue reading → Related Posts: How do you get an attachment? Why some people […]
Life is a lot like a Freecell game. ((In an upcoming article I’ll share what it cost me to learn through life, instead of simulation. Quite an educational story… sad though… :-())
You make lots of decisions… which card to move, which card to leave alone.
In a very short time when you find yourself with no cards to move… it is mighty hard to retrace your steps. And even if you could, undoing the steps
I am working on creating a communication course, but first things first:
so many of you are stuck in your doom and dominant belief behavior, I see getting unstuck is an emergency.
So I am going to do weekend workshops to teach you how to get unstuck.
The workshops are designed to teach you to use the Detached capacity to get you unstuck in the moment.
Having the capacity is nice, but unless you know exactly what to do with it, it works only like a remedy: in the moment. Whereas true getting unstuck means that you start moving.
The purpose of the workshop is to get you from your stuck state to where you are moving and starting to create a life worth living.
Your first session will include the activation of the DNA capacity: Detached. And me checking that you actually know how to use it.
The Detached capacity does not automatically detach you… just lik