It’s a normal day to me: I went deep inside the energy body of a person in Singapore and got in touch with her life, her urges, how she thinks, and what pains she has. I pulled her energetic attachments. … Continue reading
It’s a normal day to me: I went deep inside the energy body of a person in Singapore and got in touch with her life, her urges, how she thinks, and what pains she has. I pulled her energetic attachments. … Continue reading
Motto: Mentor: Someone whose hindsight can become your foresight
In 1981 I got a letter from a man from Israel. He claimed to be a second cousin on my father’s side to me. He was coming to an educational conference in Hungary. He came with his wife.
We spent time together, they were staying with me, in my one-bedroom high-rise apartment in Budapest. He visited with every member of my family, and witnessed their contempt for me first hand.
He promised to be family to me if I decided to go to Israel.
One year later I packed a suitcase and left Hungary. illegally. It was winter in Hungary when I left, in fact it w
..that is one of the disappointing things you learn when you do work with me. I won’t feed you balooney like “you are a spiritual being having a human experience…” and other garden variety horse manure.
The other half-sentence is just as disappointing: “you can’t get out of this life alive…”
These two half-sentences address 70% of the popular delusions of humanity.
When you internalize these truly, when you start to be energized by them then your vibration will jump 50 points or more.
As I have mentioned, I have signed up to an expensive course that teaches a marketing method to pick the right people that are a good match for what I am attempting to do: take a group of people to the level of human being, the next evolutionary level for the species.
Signing up opened a can of worms.
Several daily emails, and a slew of offers, all beyond my need, all beyond my budget.
Today, a week into this campaign, the fifteenth video, the offer is 20 thousand dollars… and I am ready to throw in the towel.
It is like being in a restaurant,
…asking for a bowl of soup… That is what I wanted, that is what I can afford.
But they don’t le
People throw around the words: self-expression, but I have never found a person who knows what it means.
Most people look how you express yourself not what it is you express… This article is about “what” not “how”… What is the Self you express with everything… your life, your job, your relationships, with your music, poetry, and your life.
There are two selves, and the reason life doesn’t work for most of us is because the two selves are not connected in any way. Self 1: your genes, your desire to survive and procreate. Self 2: your human desire to be higher than just your genes… to live your higher self.
Self in the expression of th
There are two kinds of pleasure.
No matter what pleasure you seek, what makes it pleasure is the contrast: there needs to be pain for pleasure to exist. ((Hunger makes food pleasurable… lust makes sex pleasurable… tiredness makes sleep pleasurable…))
Although I could write about pleasure that you earn through hard and sustained work, and I have written hundreds of articles about it, people with too small capacity for pain rarely turn around and become people who want to earn their pleasure.
So in this article I’ll a
What I didn’t say in the last article about conscious awareness and discipline, is probably as important as what I did say.
Lots of people argue that your subconscious or your ego are more important than what you are aware of consciously, but that may not be true.
Your ego, your drive given to you by the genes and their selfish desire that is so often counter to your conscious desire: unless you know thine enemy, the enemy will always win.
Your decisions from the past that are now not in the conscious part of your brain: ditto. If you don’t know at least the most important decisions that have taken you to where you are… then they will continue to run the show, that is your life
The Big Bundle of energies other people sell piecemeal… I am going to sell you as a bundle.
We all hear and read about energy healing, but most of that healing doesn’t work or it’s disappointing.
But here is an energy tool that works… Really.
I first heard about Mr. T., the ugly Indian energy master, from my client and massage therapist… She raved about how he caused cows to give more milk and trees to bear more fruit. In addition to healing people.
Bull shit, I thought, but didn’t say it.
Then when this Mr. T offered an inexpensive sample session to try his transmissions, I paid my $20 to try it. The session was two hours of testimonials, and 2 minutes
This article starts out very philosophical. If you can’t stand that, jump to here…
What is health?
No one has defined it yet, because just like “good” was until Dr Robert Hartman came along to define it, existed only in a context of good this or good that.
What Robert Hartman said is that good is that which fulfills completely its design. That which is most fully itself.
New development… or better said, new equipment for infusing your infusable energies, the Energizer®, the Heaven on Earth, the Unconditional Love Activator, and the Second and Third Phase activators.
After I have discovered that most of the buyers drink the water that is not fully energized, I had to think hard, again, what to do.
You see, the process of turning the incoherent water into coherent water is NOT gradual.