Scientists are trying to keep you on the 15th floor. Why? Because it is super easy to influence you on that level.

Suddenly I am noticing the many articles that try to access your emotions, the advertising, the movies, all to keep you stuck on the 15th floor of your being. ((


Your emotions are moldable, like clay, and there is nothing that you can do about it… on that level. Because your emotions is the 15th floor, it is

Eat right, live right for your type… How to regain your health and vitality in a few weeks time


You want more out of life…

You want to raise your vibration… maybe that’s the way to attract love, money, happiness to your life.

But you don’t have enough energy to do the work that would raise your vibration…

You are stuck between a rock and a hard place…

We each want to be unique, special, one of a kind. At the same time we want to be able to pigeonhole ourselves, so we can know how we are, so we can know what to eat, or what to pursue in life.

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Why should you believe me? Why should you learn from me?

steve-jobsI have been a spiritual, raise-your-vibration teacher for a while… and when someone asked what qualified me to teach, I could say that the fact that I did it myself, and went from a vibration of 185 to 930, consciously and with my eyes open.

Now, having done that is fine and dandy… but can I teach it? Good question.

But let’s look at another area: health.

At some point I got really clear that unless you have energy to do the work, unless you have coherence to do the work, unless you are well enough… I can’t help you much.

But I had a problem, an integrity issue: I myself wasn’t well enough to prove to you that I kno