The month when abundance is on your mind

It must be January, because my Effortless Abundance bundle is selling a lot. And Unlimited Abundance, astutely, is launching this month…

January, everyone looking at their current situation and starting to organize themselves to improve what they have.

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Levels of consciousness explained

If we continue with the analogy of climbing a circular staircase, in each paradigm you can be at the bottom of the steps on the top, or anywhere in between. ((Look at the picture on the left: on the bottom there is crowding, competition… towards the top less and less people are on the steps… that is exactly how it is in raising your consciousness… people give up.))

Let’s consider that it takes 100 rotations to get to the top of the staircase inside your current paradigm. Wherever you are, you’ll find yourself somewhere on that 1 to 100 scale. Most likely closer to the bottom… Sorry.

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Awakenings… your one way out of the misery

There have been several awakenings in my life.

The first potential awakening was when I was 22 years old. I had been in the mental hospital for two weeks and my condition didn’t get better, no matter what they did to me. They even tried to use insulin shock therapy on me… that’s really bad, if you want to know the truth.

Then, as a last resort, they sent me to the “showers” that you should know from the Cuckoo’s nest movie… halfway though the “showers” I snapped out of it. There I was stark naked, and the misery wasn’t me, it wasn’t even mine.

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Coaching is often like herding cats…

Cats are notoriously individualistic, and abhor being herded, or even told what to do.

Your (and) my aspects are like cats: enjoying and protecting their freedoms you have given them all these years, that you thought they were the boss. Your boss.

I am talking here of the aspects of your mind, your emotions, your thoughts, and your urges.

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The levels of self awareness… and your financial and relationship troubles Part 2.

Yesterday I had a marathon call with a student. It went almost three hours.

She paid for 15 minutes… and we only ended it after almost three hours, because she needed to use the bathroom and walk the dog… I was still ready to continue.

What made we want to talk to her this long?

The answer is obvious to me, but maybe not that obvious to you, so let me explain.

In every conversation you have the opportunity to observe yourself, and catch yourself in some machine-like reaction. Every time it’s a gift.

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So I am reading ‘Creating A Bug Free Mind’

The package, big like a tomb stone, arrived this week. I wish they had it on Kindle… but I guess they want to control every step of the sales process. Hm. Interesting.

The package is two books, both big and thick. The first: Creating a bug free mind, and the second: using a bug free mind. Ultimately the idea of this two step process that made me use Andy Shaw’s book as an experiment: everyone stops at teaching, no one seems to continue into the troubles of actually teaching you how to use, and guiding you in using what they taught. ((… and even when they make some weak attempt, they hire volunteers to do the guidance, to do the coaching, and never check if those volunteers have ever done the work. Landmark’s Self Expression and Leadership program is example for that. Only about 2% of the people actually do a successful project, the once that would have probably done it successfully wi

Turn your face to the light… avoid the darkness, avoid the shadow

I didn’t put this quote first, because I agree with it. In fact, exactly the opposite is true. All the light that is coming to you is lurking in the shadow, just waiting for you to find it… but, human nature, knee jerk reactions rob you of your birth right… And you end up living an empty life with no light… Ooops… This is what this article is designed to remedy.

Thank you for your concern all of you that were too afraid to send me an email, a message, good energies, your good wishes.

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What is Freedom? What is Liberty? What is the difference?

Freedom versus Liberty, thrivers, survivors, or fallen by the wayside

When I ask people what they want, many say they want freedom. When we poke into it: they want a sense of freedom, but think the way to get to freedom is through liberty… Let me explain.

Just like with all words we use, here is huge confusion, a collapse of two distinctions: freedom and liberty. They are not connected. They don’t even overlap!

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Acceptance: what it is, what it isn’t

Acceptance… does it mean you like it? Does it mean you condone it? Does it mean you want it? Does it mean you are a doormat?

Accepting things the way they are, people the way they are and the way they aren’t, is the key to happiness.

But, as I am finding out, there is a confusion about what acceptance means.

For it to be clear, we need to first look at resistance.

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How you do anything is how you do everything

How you do anything is how you do everything. I can spend five minutes with you and can tell your chances for success, for love, for money… even without measuring your vibration. Just by observing you…

You can also watch your behavior. Observe it when you can, observe it when I ask you to.

Now, go back to the article, Not all complaints are created equal… or just think about the word “complaint.”

Watch if your knee jerk reaction is to turn away from it.

MY knee jerk reaction is to tell you to go away. But I’ve noticed it, and I know that asking you to leave will want you to stay… so I’ll just shut up, and let you fall off by yourself.

You know the joke:

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