Your sphere of influence and your vibration: what is the connection?

they sealed their friendship with bloodPeople do all kinds of things to raise their vibration. But one of the most important things they could do, they don’t even think of it.

I had a conversation with a student last night, and finally “diagnosed” why her vibration isn’t changing much in spite of all the calls she comes to.

And then I opened an email ((Hi

Most people decided to do nothing today. Nothing.

Some thought about doing something but then decided to actually do nothing.

You say: Sam, lots of people went to work today. Um…yea, I know. That’s actually doing something for someone else – their boss.

I promote a message of entrepreneurship. Monetizing your passion. Living every day likes it’s Saturday.


Osho: On Death

This article, a word by word transcription of one of Osho’s talks from 20-30 years ago is very enlightening. You will see what is between you and enlightenment. Also, the stories and jokes are wonderfully funny… Read it.

What happens to Human Consciousness when the people of the world …

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Alone is one of the itches we identify on my Itch.
An itch is something that you want, desperately, to come to you, from the outside. But even when it does, it doesn’t do it for you, it doesn’t scratch the itch. Only you giving what you want scratches the itch.
The perfect example is the…

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