The evolutionary approach to your inner stress, lack, negativity, and misery

This article stands the current culture and the current approach to spirituality, consciousness, self-growth on its head… If you are happy to be miserable, please don’t read it!

Watch this short movie. If it doesn’t bring tears in your eyes, pain in your heart, then probably this article isn’t for you

A Brave New World… can you take it? Or the real reason why you have inner stress?

Go read the rest of the article

Are you being used?

Lots of people, women and men, have a feeling that they are just placeholders or commodities for their friends or lovers.

Even coaches and gurus can have that feeling: actually this is what lead me to start this article.

Whenever I have a question about someone, or have time, I look up the online profiles of people that want to become a student of mine.

So I looked up someone today who has been a student, on and off for about two years now. I have had mixed feeling about her, so I looked her up.

Go read the rest of the article

Case Study #2: Trivedi Foundation

Trivedi , an East Indian scientist or engineer? is new to the American scene. He gives blessings, in person, in groups, and over the telephone to large number of people. His stated purpose is to prove to the scientists that this works, so he also gives blessings to animals, growing fields, etc. I went on his monthly blessings $50 a pop program.

How Did It Go On The 27th? Have The Thousand Years Of Peace Begun? Happy New Year!

Confession time: When I scheduled the Event on the 27th, I promised to check people on the call if they connect, really. And I also promised that I was going to know if they are getting the download or not. I had never done it in groups. In effect, I promised something I didn’t know if I can actually deliver. On some level I knew, but I didn’t have any evidence.

From My Correspondence: On Synergy, On Guidance, On Power, On Being A New Jesus Christ

Most people I talk with on the phone. I have hundreds of hours of audios of my phone conversations. One day I’ll publish them. But this correspondence was in email: it’s a simple copy and paste, and you can learn from it

Follow up on Abraham Hicks, following the death of Jerry Hicks

Follow up on Abraham Hicks, following the death of Jerry Hicks Esther’s personal vibration: 170 (above anger, under pride) teaching’s vibration: 185 truth level (integrity): 200 Follow up on Abraham Hicks, following the death of Jerry Hicks is a post from: Connect To Source: Raise Your Vibration

Vibrational Reviews: lots of people… readers’ request

jack canfield 299 nan hui-chib 195 ole gabrielsen personal vibration: 500 modality: 280 richard gordon (quantum touch) personal vibration: 240 Quantum touch: 300 spring forest qigong 350 vicky anderson (the awakening) personal vibration: 200 barbara hand clow: 200 barbara marciniak: 200 bill bodri: 170 carlos kastaneda 395 chunyi lin 300 deepak chopra 495 Dolores Cannon 195 edgar cayce 230 effie chow 395 Gary Douglas 190 Vibrational Reviews: lots of people… readers’ request is a post from: Connect To Source: Raise Your Vibration

Source said: get ready to activate billions of people by June 14

Source said: get ready to activate billions of people by June 14. So, what does it mean “get ready?” Great question, right? I don’t have an answer. I am creating answers

So I am reading ‘Creating A Bug Free Mind’

The package, big like a tomb stone, arrived this week. I wish they had it on Kindle… but I guess they want to control every step of the sales process. Hm. Interesting.

The package is two books, both big and thick. The first: Creating a bug free mind, and the second: using a bug free mind. Ultimately the idea of this two step process that made me use Andy Shaw’s book as an experiment: everyone stops at teaching, no one seems to continue into the troubles of actually teaching you how to use, and guiding you in using what they taught. ((… and even when they make some weak attempt, they hire volunteers to do the guidance, to do the coaching, and never check if those volunteers have ever done the work. Landmark’s Self Expression and Leadership program is example for that. Only about 2% of the people actually do a successful project, the once that would have probably done it successfully wi

Turn your face to the light… avoid the darkness, avoid the shadow

I didn’t put this quote first, because I agree with it. In fact, exactly the opposite is true. All the light that is coming to you is lurking in the shadow, just waiting for you to find it… but, human nature, knee jerk reactions rob you of your birth right… And you end up living an empty life with no light… Ooops… This is what this article is designed to remedy.

Thank you for your concern all of you that were too afraid to send me an email, a message, good energies, your good wishes.

Go read the rest of the article