One of my favorite quotes from an ad is from the Men’s Hair Club… where the owner says: “I’m not just the president of Hair Club for Men, I’m also a client!”
I would never want to do business with anyone who is not also a client of their own business…
And of course, I am a client of my own. Meaning: I learn from what I write… and I learn and test everything first, before I recommend it…
With that said: to date the two most valuable nuggets I got out of my participation in my 67 step coaching program are:
There are good days, there are bad days, and there are days when I am hit with stuff I consider bad. Blech.
Today is one of those.
And days like this are a great test if in fact my TLD is as high as I claim as it is. TLD is your Twitchy Little Bastards’ score: how much pain you are willing to take for a delayed benefit.
Where TLD comes in? I find myself already running. I want to take a nap. I want to eat. I want to go unconscious.
Why? Because bad news is not pleasant. And more than that: I need to say it publicly.
I am scared, and I want to hide.
But I am going to swallow the frog (or was it kissing it?) and tell you what’s going on.
We could safely say that your vibration number faithfully expresses the degree of alignment between your personal reality and actual reality.
Your personal reality is your map of reality.
You built your map of reality, what you think is out there, what you see out there, what you hear, taste, touch… filtered through your map of reality… you built that map through what you were told, and what you took from what you were told.
The average vibration on the planet, at this time, is 128. That is a 1% truth value, a 1% match between your personal reality and reality. It means that you don’t see 70% of what is out there. And what you see, the remaining 30%, you see it 70% wrong.
If you are on this site, you will find yourself, more or less, in this article. And it may change your life.
A student writes,
Hi Sophie, I think I take trivial and superficial things too seriously. How can I let go of these immaterial incidents or people and focus on important things that truly matter to me?
I also find out that sometimes I become the victim of scams.
this was my answer
This is the sign of two things, Kate: 1. your map of reality isn’t very similar to reality. 2. you have too much importance attached to nice words about you… i.e. you want to be defined by words not by your actions.
It is the main reason I read the book Feelings, to f
I want to tell you a little story… because it’s been on my mind for a while, and I need to get it off my chest.
YOU don’t need it. You really don’t want to hear it, because you won’t like what it says about you.
So, it’s OK if you click off now. Good. Now I am alone with the handful of people who want to hear what I have to say. Because it is what makes us this little group of… Jews?
Funny, eh? Let me explain.
Long time ago, over the seas, and the mountains, a little old man, called God was in search of some people. Some people who would take it on themselves to run an experiment, much like the first fish that climbed on dry land.
I have muscle tested dozens of teachers that teach or have taught the power of your mind religion. They are all miserable and wretched. Low vibration, inner disharmony, incoherence.
If the teachers that teach it can’t make it work for them, probably it is time for you to decide that it doesn’t work. That it’s junk science. A lie. Fraud. Deception. Tool to enslave humanity… successfully enslave it, so far.
Humanity as humanoids is about 200,000 years old.
Life has been largely the life of little kids, who are afraid of some god and some devil and of their own shadow.
Because humanity’s knowledge about what is behind the curtain has been faulty
But this hidden agenda, to profit from every interaction, at your expense is not limited to the internet, it is just easier to see the dynamic there. It is harder to see it in person to person interactions, with every single person you interact with, or in books, articles, organizations, charity, politics, or people and their pets.
And it is hardest to see in yourself.
I am not condemning it: it seems that “desire for the self alone” is having a new renaissance, and you either don’t notice it, or are in a conspiracy for “I won’t tell on you, if you won’t tell on me.”
I am a person who is well trained to help people create a context for their lives, for their relationships, for their businesses… a context, words, a spea
I went to my chiropractor today: my neck was stuck.
I took a ride with the community center van. On the way back the driver of the van gave me feedback on myself: eager. As in eager beaver… busy body, annoying, rushing people. (I was early in the morning, and I was waiting for him outside when he came to pick me up. I meant to make it easier and faster for him, but that is not how it landed… obviously.)
As you know I do health consulting. Most of it is about how to eat and what to eat.
Yesterday I found out that my clients don’t know how digestion works, and therefore they guess at how to eat… Because this seems to be the general picture, that people never learned about digestion, I see that I need an emergency article…
In this article I rant about widespread ignorance, your ignorance… about how things work. Then I teach you stuff you want to know but never learned… about your body, about eating, about the secrets of being well…
It’s worth it… Is it worth it? It’s not worth it… It is all about whether it is worth it for you or not…
If you are supposed to have it already, then working for it doesn’t look like it’s worth it.
And this is the problem, an epidemic, of today. I have students in all the time zones of the world… and they all share this problem.
Memes, thought forms, prevalent teachings suggest that
1. you are already happy, worthy, successful, precious, special, blah blah blah
2. that you already have everything or supposed to to be who you want to be
3. that you should look within for all the answers
4. that the Universe is friendly to you
and on and on and on, endless flow of half-truth, endless flow of decepti