The teaching that you have to believe that you can succeed is utter b.s.
This teaching has been the secret to more failures than anything else I can find.
- You see, you cannot force yourself to believe anything that you don’t believe.
Natalie Ledwell Divorce
Vishen Lakhiani is the owner of MindValley… a huge company promoting gurus and their programs.
The original article was to promote his webinar workshop on becoming limitless, on October 13. The webinar’s job is to promote their continuity, i.e. subscription to the $29 a month Mindvalley Academy.
Because so many people are interested in becoming limitless, or at least happier, I am going to review the article… I can’t review the webinar, or something I haven’t happened… but I can look at the person and his work any time, and make bold assertions to their resu
You get angry, you get frustrated, you get anxious, you get jealous… you name it, the emotions pop up and you have nothing to do about them.
But… and this is a BIG but: A normal emotion comes and goes, like clouds on a windy day. Com and go… sunny, cloudy, sunny, cloudy.
Emotions and feelings are energies, and energy’s nature is to move. If they don’t, you have the static electricity thing going: and because energy MUST move, it will explode… like lightening.
You just have to hold onto the emotion by resisting it.
After all most emotions don’t f
Natalie Ledwell Success Blocker Quiz The Mind Movie subliminal message system is a reminder, to your Subconscious Mind, of what it is you want. Remember, it’s your subconscious mind that does the majority of the work of attracting what you want into your life. Your mind movie is just a tool to assist you in […]
Natalie Ledwell Never In Your Wildest Dreams A mind movie is a personalized approach for you to re-wire your brain in any way you desire. Later in this article I’ll give you a link to a software that will allow you produce your own. A mind movie is a “digital vision board”… a short, powerful […]
Natalie Ledwell Scam A mind movie is a personalized method for you to re-wire your brain in any way you desire. Later in this post I’ll post a link to a free piece of software that will quickly allow you make your own. A mind movie is a “digital vision board”… a short, powerful video […]
Inner peace… is it possible for you? Inner Peace is elusive, like health. What do you call peace? The lack of war? What do you call health? Lack of illness? Imagine that you are walking in a forest, on a footpath on a beautiful summer day. The … Continue reading Feeling lonely? Are you sure […]
I have a student who seems to be looking for reasons to be unhappy, angry, frustrated. And not surprisingly she finds something. Always.
She is working on her health and well-being, and part of that is to document every breakfast, lunch and dinner time what she eats, what she drinks, what she does, what she feels like, and whether she had a bowel movement or not. These are all indicators of her well-being and progress.
This morning I realized something: her diary says: bowel movement: small. She doesn’t say: bowel movement: yes (or no, whatever is the case.) No she says: small.
This realization lead me to l