… and by “right” attitude I mean the attitude that gets you what you wanted from life… A assume that we are all afraid of being mislead, misguided, lied to. The fear is well-founded: most people don’t know what they are talking about, most people are wrong, and some even lie so they can make […]
What Vibration Am I
Measuring Vibration Frequency
On raising your vibrational frequency
I get a number of applications to help people raise their vibration. And there are many people who offer this … many videos on youtube.
Whatever method of raising your vibration to pick, you will need to decide a couple of things beforehand.
Among the most important and most sobering steps is discovering what is your vibration when you start.
There are well-meaning individuals out there who will measure your vibration, whatever way they do it.
According to their measures you could be in the Unconditional Love zone …
But my experience with individuals is that their vibration is much more in the neighborhood of suffering, anger, and cockiness, than in the Unconditional Love zone …
It is, in my personal opinion, not helpful to know only your vibration value, people also refer to it as vibrational frequency.
Why is that? Simply because your one indicator won’t say a great deal.
This is a lot like if I wished to steer you to a healthier lifestyle, but all I would have is your shoe size.
If I truly intended to assist you, I ‘d get a whole lot more information, how big you are, etc. And then I ‘d know, or would be closer to know if I can assist you, and what way.
I am a True Empath.
What is a True Empath? A True Empath is unique. A True Empath can connect to any one thing or everything, accurately, and dependably, if there sufficient info.
This means that I can connect to you if I have, for example your photo.
How will I know I am connected? After a few seconds I experience myself in your shoes, and feel your sensations.
The number two reason it’s important to be able to connect to something accurately is this: unless I am connected to an unbiased third party who is all-knowing, I am only going to shoot in the dark.
So this is what occurs: I link to you. And then I connect to Source aka All-Knowledge. Now we are actually a triangle.
And then I ask questions. And All-Knowledge has a signal system with me, very similar to what applied kinesiology utilizes … with the difference that I am not using my own body to tell the truth, I am using my own body to receive the response from All-Knowledge.
I have a set of question, that I ask All-Knowledge about you, at the same time I am feeling your feelings.
Source’s feedbacks are yes, no, yes/no, or wrong question.
I term these 14 measurements your Starting Point Measurements.
They are a snap shot of you, vibrationally speaking.
The majority of the questions are about your attitude, your focal point, your mindset, your capacities that are either activated or not.
And with that much data, it is simpler to answer the question: what can I do now if I desire to raise my vibration?
From your figures I now know what is important to you … not what you say is important to you. You might deceive yourself, but you are not able to trick All-Knowledge.
When you have your scores, I’ll send them to you along with my recommendation.
OK, below is the payment button if you want to know your Starting Point Measurements. Even when you don’t do anything with them, it is an useful information …
A considerable number of those who ask, actually begin doing what could make them raise their vibration … And I am very happy about that.
Sophie Benshitta Maven is a True Empath. She can connect to anything defined clearly enough… and communicate with it. She is an award winning architect, plus one credit short of an MBA. Also creator of Source inspired energies that make a difference. my site Get your Starting Point Measurements
How To Find Your Frequency
Vibration Scale
On raising your vibration
I get a ton of requests to help people raise their vibration. And there are many people who offer this … many videos on youtube.
Whatever modality of raising your vibration to pick, you want to decide a couple of things beforehand.
One of the most important and most wake up call like steps is finding out what is your vibration when you begin.
There are well-meaning individuals out there who will measure your vibration, whichever way they do it.
Based on their measures you may well be in the Unconditional Love region …
But my experience with people is that their vibration is much more in the area of anguish, anger, and arrogance, than in the Unconditional Love zone …
It is, in my expert opinion, not valuable to know only your vibration score, people also refer to it as vibrational frequency.
Why? Because your single number doesn’t say enough.
It is a lot like if I wanted to direct you to a healthier lifestyle, but all I would have is your foot size.
If I really intended to assist you, I ‘d obtain a whole lot more information, how big you are, etc. And after that I ‘d know, or would be closer to know if I can assist you, and how.
I am a True Empath.
What is a True Empath? A True Empath is unique. A True Empath is able to be connected to anything or every single thing, accurately, and reliably, if there sufficient information.
This means that I can connect to you if I have, for example your picture.
How do I know I am connected? After a few secs I experience myself in your boots, and feel your sensations.
The second reason it’s important to be able to link to something accurately is this: unless I am connected to an unbiased third party who is omniscient, I am just going to shoot in the dark.
So this is what happens: I attach to you. After that I connect to Source aka All-Knowledge. Now we are a triangle.
And then I ask questions. And All-Knowledge has agreed on a signal system with me, very similar to what applied kinesiology uses … with the difference that I am not testing my own body to tell the truth, I am using my own body to receive the truth from All-Knowledge.
I have a set of question, that I question All-Knowledge about you, while I am experiencing your emotions.
Source’s replies are yes, no, yes/no, or bad question.
I term these 14 measurements your Starting Point Measurements.
They are a snapshot of you, vibrationally meaning.
Most of the questions are about your mental attitude, your purpose, your mindset, your capacities that are either activated or not.
And with that numerous information, it is simpler to answer the question: what can I do now if I would like to raise my vibration?
From your figures I know what is important to you … not what you say is very important to you. You might deceive yourself, but you can not hoodwink All-Knowledge.
When you have your measurement, I’ll send them to you with my recommendation.
OK, below is the payment button if you wish to know your Starting Point Measurements. Even if you don’t do anything with them, it is an important information …
A significant number of those who ask, actually start doing what might make them raise their vibration … And I am very happy about that.
Sophie Benshitta Maven is a True Empath. She can connect to anything defined clearly enough… and communicate with it. She is an award winning architect, plus one credit short of an MBA. Also creator of Source inspired energies that make a difference. my site Get your Starting Point Measurements
The Attitude That Will Help You Climb The Tree Of Life
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We are never smart enough, knowledgeable enough, clever enough to accomplish what we really want to accomplish.
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How hard can it be? said Father Brown as he was grinding the car’s transmission…
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The genius path to become a person with a Self
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What do you have to prove? That you are smart? That will make you ignorant AND miserable
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How The Tree of Knowledge goes against nature… on the level of individual. Case studies
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