Your accuracy, your comprehension, and other topics, including the Fat Burning Brain

why-your-gut-issues-may-be-a-brain-problemSome of us, some of you deal with issues that step from physical issues.

for example, if your mother got pregnant while undernourished, especially in the 90 essentials, you may have developed a number of so-called genetic diseases… that are not genetic at all. Including dyslexia or some form of cognitive displacement issues.

Dyslexia is a brain issue, where certain specialized brain cells went to the wrong place.

Easier to see with an example: had your hand cells went to the wrong place, you would have a hand grown in the middle of your arm, not at the end of it.

Perfect han

Back to square one… How to grow from where you are begins with…

why-do-i-succeedI’ve been quiet.

I am working through some stuff… nothing personal, it’s about you. It’s about what to teach you. How to teach you. It’s about seeing, in more detail, and more precisely what is the truth about you, so I can talk to you the way you can hear me.

The more precisely I can “diagnose” what is the situation with you, the more effective my message and my teaching can be.

But, it seems no matter how precise my teaching, it is not really up to me, or my teaching, what will happen to you or your life.

It is up to you. Your actions, your attitude, your “undeclared commitment” in life. (( Undeclar

More on the Energizer® and on what else you can do with it other than energize water…

The Energizer audio, when used on vegetables and fruits that have been treated with toxic pesticide, can reduce the toxicity of the pesticide to the level that is a tolerable level. But: the cell water of all living things is … Continue reading → Related Posts: Water Energizer products: should you buy them from me? […]

Learn awareness, the strongest indicator of a health, wealth, love, and happiness

distinctions-are-the-secret-sauceChangeability, adaptability is the secret of living a consistently good life… but changeability and adaptability depend on awareness. As your awareness grows in the four pillars of the good life, so your success and the quality of your life…

By the way, did you notice I didn’t say “learn about awareness…” but that is what you read? Right?

In the old Forum program, the Forum Leader came in, screaming at us, poor unsuspecting brand new participants: For you everything is the same as everything else.

It took me years to decipher that and see that it is true.

In the Advanced Course they said the same th

What causes you turmoil has a strong connection to your intrinsic Self, either positively or negatively

puppet-on-a-string-2Continued from the previous article…

Sometimes the turmoil is caused by some inner pressure that is societally driven.

When being true to yourself is not politically correct.

Your ability, your capacity to hold controversy and ambivalence comes really handy when you have a turmoil.

Why? Because the urge to call the turmoil wrong, and the urge to look for a fix is overwhelming if you don’t have that capacity, that emotional and spiritual maturity.

And most people don’t.

Having the capacity to hold the idea and the opposite, without being overly perturbed is a very high capacit

Taking people where Life wants them to go

the-roadmap-of-your-life_blog_maik-winkler-fine-artMost people I know are either stuck or are coasting… They are going noplace… fast or slow… it is unsatisfying and yet… starting to move in the direction Life wants you to go, or even where you want to go is near impossible… Just look at most people…

This article will reveal a secret… the secret of taking your life where Life wants you to go.

I have been clear that Life wants each of us to go someplace… not necessarily physical, not necessarily to a life-purpose, and yet it is a place. A non-physical place.

When I ask myself where Life wants me to go, after the almost immediate fear

Cognitive biases, blind spots, a sticky point and a “remedy”

center-of-the-universe-2011We are all born seeing ourselves as the center of the world. We don’t know we are the center of our world… we just don’t know there is any other vantage point to look from.

Most of us never learn it.

Like one of my students: every time I recommend anything, she answers: “I agree…”

She hasn’t crossed that threshold, that divide between infant and even toddler… absolutely and completely ignorant to the fact that using the personal vantage point is ineffective, because it is delusional.

This is also true if and when you can see that other people see things differently from how you see them, but your view is accurate and theirs is inaccurate.

Same delusional,

I almost screwed up the date completely… almost.

moon-calendarI am talking about the timing of the Big Power… coming down. But how did it happen? How could I screw up like this?

OK, fair enough. Let’s look how…

I didn’t do enough research and the power has been already coming down like there is no tomorrow.

This article is a tad meandering… you need to just walk with me to get the benefit. If you do, you’ll like it. If you don’t: you’ll hate it. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you!

I didn’t sleep a wink last night. I was in bed, but not sleeping. The energy was so strong. Now I am starting to understand while, like clockwork, some nights I am so full of energy I can’t sleep… This is new to me too…

On the positive side: The big energy will sti

Why you feel how you feel and what can you do about it?

doggie-languageMost people live in a constant “this is not right… this is not where I am supposed to be, this is not how I am supposed to be, this is not what I am supposed to do” jerky place.

It seems inevitable, it feels bad, and all of it is based on delusions, pretenses, and lies.

Obviously you can’t see your delusions. That is your “reality”.

  • But… if you don’t feel good, if you don’t see clear, if you don’t have a 360 degree view of the world in most issues… they you can be sure you have delusions.
  • and… if you don’t go for growth, learning, profound well-being, fulfillment, expertise… they you can be sure your life and actions are based on delusions.

What Will Happen When Earth’s Magnetic Poles Reverse?

geomag-reversal.jpgSome truth that is not that known, not that accepted, and yet it muscle test as truth and it explains some of what has happened to humanity, the life span, the water, and other thus far unexplained phenomena

According to Dr. Reams, originator of the Reams Biological Theory of Ionization, RBTI as the followers lovingly call it, the Earth has changed its polarity. Or maybe with the polarity shift the planet also changed in what direction it’s spinning..

Now, whether it’s true or not, I don’t know… because, the way I imagine, changing your spin involves having no spin for at least a second… but muscle test says that it is true.