I have an older blog that is attacked by hackers every week. They install malware… so I don’t want you to go there…
It’s an old website, more than 10 years ago it was my main blog. Most of it is still useful. ((I have read an interview with Jeff Bezos the other day, or was it a youtube video, can’t remember. He was asked a question about the future. He said something incredibly insightful, and something most people can’t even hear!
He said that the question to ask is this: What will remain the same?
Most people try something new, something shiny, something that is a new trend.
But real winners learn what works and what will work now, ten years from now, a hundred years from now. And
The vibration number, often called “vibrational frequency,” tells a lot about a person.
Hi, I am Empath Sophie… I am a true empath… I’ll guide you here to understanding.
“Vibrational frequency” is a number on a logarithmic scale, and it measures how accurately your world view and your emotions, thinking, behavior match reality, to what degree you have departed from human animal and rose to the level of human being. The current level of vibration of humanity is 130, which is about 1% of the way to human beingness.
It is good to know where you are at. You cannot change something that you don’t know where it’s at… With all the pretending, with all the charts, you probably overestimate or underestimat
I have been toying, playing with the idea of teaching the Effortless Abundance Course…
What has been blocking me is the kinds of people who want it.
You see effortless is a lie… although efforting, per se, ((per se, NOT per say…!
by, of, for, or in itself; intrinsically:
This candidate is not a pacifist per se, but he is in favor of peaceful solutions when practicable.
Synonyms: innately, inherently, indigenously, fundamentally)) is unnecessary.
Efforting is a concept. But doing things, learning things, unlearning things, is sometimes hard work. And for most people, who are attracted to the Effortless Abundance idea, work is a dirty word.
If you find yourself on the wrong road… trace your way back to where you went astray… and choose a different road.
Why? Because trying to go across to where you really wanted to go, without going back, is fraught with death traps.
Humanity, some seven thousand years ago, took a wrong turn. In just a few words: they started to replace reality with word pictures in the mind. Concepts.
This took us to where we are now: not a pretty place. Any and every human is afflicted: no one is exempt.
An “avatar’s” job is to take you backwards so you can find your way from there… They have to have earned the right… by going back personally, backtracking themselves.
I am reading this guy’s book. I say “this guy” because I don’t want you to read it. I want you to read my blog…
In a lot of ways he and I teach the same things, even though we use different words. He uses words from psychology and woowoo science… I use words like Amish Horse Training Method, Memes, Marker Feelings.
He is a money/marketing man. His vibration is 200, his accurate vocabulary is 600.
He is proof that you don’t have to have a very high vibration to be able to look from high enough so you see enough to make millions and even teach others to make millions.
He talks about beliefs, core beliefs, and subconscious… terms of psychology, but not the same way as other
There are really two types of people when it comes to making more money: one group will chase the mirage, the lottery approach, winning, betting on schemes… and the other, the tiny group that sees that making more money is a natural fallout of becoming worth a damn. (())
I am interested in talking to the second group, the tiny group.
You see, knowing that you should become worth a damn is nice and dandy… but knowing with pinpoint accuracy where y
The second part of the title, “except that not always” is doesn’t apply for at least 10% of you: you won’t even see the difference when I point it out. ((Another way to say the title: You can’t tell your ass from a hole in the ground…
The most frustrating thing is, that you are sure you are saying or understanding the right words… but you don’t. And you blame it on the speaker saying that what they said doesn’t work.
How do I know?
For most people, who become a student in my programs, this is the first hurdle to pass.
You come into my program with a 300 accurate vocabulary, and you only hear the words you think you know what they mean, but that is not what I
If you need to eat ((everyone has a way that they need to eat to be the healthiest… the eating mode. It’s one of the things I measure when I give you an individual health “reading”)) by appetite, but you seldom have appetite… you are, instead, hungry.
When I mention appetite, I get puzzled silence in return.
Most of you don’t know what appetite is.
Your body has a language (like cats! lol) that is nonverbal. If you don’t speak the language then you are out of touch with your body, and likely your health is low. You have symptoms that tell you: you are doing the wrong things.
My new attitude to mistakes and such is this: it is guidance. It tells
Parents want to help, but instead they push you deeper into the bull’s ear.
The expression, came from a student’s father, ((I found a meme that is running my life and I know where it comes from… wohooo.
“I have to prove: “what I know”, “what I can”, “that I am smart”, “that I work hard” etc. To show off.
As I can see it, this context was created by my father. As long as I remember he has been telling me this in Kurdish: “You are in the ears of the bull”. Meaning, not aware, not intelligent, do not amount for anything or being like a donkey.
No matter what I did, got a degree, was not dependent on them like my younger brother and sister, was one of the best in the military, started to make a living.