Does having more capacities turned on raise your vibration too?

presidential-election-2016Superiority… The word comes up a lot in my coaching. Mostly in the context of your soul correction.

But in reality, some things are superior to other things… because all exists on many scales.

On the DNA capacities “scale” someone with 30 capacities is superior to someone who has 29, 20, 10, 7.

I haven’t found anyone with less than seven capacities, though I am sure there are.

So superior is not the issue. Acting superior is the issue.

It attacks people’s egos, the part of a human that makes sure the person survives. And as in any competition, it can get ugly. ((Ug

Updated: Is the desire for perfection really a desire for perfection? Perfection vs. Integrity

perfection is a racketThis is a good question to chew on, observe, test out, for a True Empath.

The fate of humanity, and your personal well-being, evolution, raising your vibration, depends on your relationship to perfection.

How? Perfection is imposed. Perfection comes from your relationship with something outside of yourself. It’s a comparison, and you live in a constant fear of “falling from grace”, falling short of perfection. The rules are set by others with an agenda. The agenda isn’t overt: in fact, it is a manipulative agenda. The goal is to keep you out of balance, keep you failing, keep you suppressed, keep you small and de

Double your reading speed… would that be really good for you?

One famous marketer is filling my mail box with emails to double the speed of my reading. I used to jump on offers like that, I have taken three different speed reading classes, one even back in Hungary.

It seemed to me, like it probably seems to you, that getting the knowledge out of the written word faster would double your knowledge, and maybe double your success.

It makes sense, doesn’t it?

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Your desires…

I have been pondering a student’s email all morning.  ((I woke up today with a real distinction between ‘me’ and ‘my machine’.  It is so coo!  I can actually feel the two different states of being.  Thanks Sophie!

This is so cool I just had to share it with you.  It gives me a real sense of how I can relate to my machine differently.  Here’s hoping I can stay in this state of awareness as the day progresses.  For the rest of my life is preferable!!  For the rest of my life is my goal.  🙂

Wow, my poor little machine!  Doing so much of my work.  Let’s see how I do in directing her instead of her trying to do something she is not capable of doing effectively, and something she is not equipped to do. )) And when I ponder, I do it while I do other things.

What I do most frequently is play Freecell, a card game, a solitaire. I can have my bilocation mos


Where does the truth I write come from? Stream of consciousness.

I write the largest chunks of surprising truths that way. Something triggers it, and there it comes… Quick, to the computer!

I read Kathryn’s comment on the Worry article, and something clicked.

Everyone says: you need to remove your filters. You need to remove blockages. Bad beliefs, about yourself and the world. It’s not working. Not for anyone… ok, maybe a few.

What if the reason no one is succeeding with those “techniques” is because that is not the right method to do it?

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‘Skeptical’ neurologist works to separate science from sham

Neurologist Steven Novella treats patients with  neuromuscular conditions where the brain fails to communicate with the rest of the body.

And as a hobby, he is a myth-buster in hot pursuit of the too good, too strange to be true — systematically proving that there is rarely anything new …

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How to get a master’s degree in beingness?

A lot of people use famous quotes for guidance, and, if my observations are correct, those quotes increase your sense of inadequacy, your sense of doom about 90% of the time. And 10% of the time you don’t even need inspiring quotes, you are already inspired.

So, what do you do? You pretend how much you love it, how much difference it makes… while inside, the gap between your authentic self and the horizontal self is growing with every lie.

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How many shades of gray can you tell apart? Is Mary Morrissey’s teaching is true?

The tribes that live near the North Pole have lots of words for snow. Syracuse people have one: snooow… that is pronounced with a guttural growl.
Tailors of suits can tell the type of black fabric they are looking at, though, for most people black is black.
A Sherlock Holmes can tell, from a…

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What is the similarity between Mafia godfathers, drug cartel bosses, Kaddhafi, and some Indian gurus, some billionaire church founders, cult leaders?

The nature of evil, psychic attack, dark energies, greed, envy, anger, hate, the desire to kill What is the similarity with Mafia godfathers, drug cartel bosses, Kaddhafi, (Gaddafi?) and some Indian gurus, some billionaire church founders, cult leaders? Mafia lords or godfathers come from a background of people experiencing themselves powerless against them. Very simple, indeed. They base their rule on extortion and protection rackets, or force, and enslavement of ‘lesser beings.’ They all have, what I would call giving and taking kind of ruling style.

Do You Think You Can Tell WHAT You See?

Most of us are sure we can. We make decisions based on what we see, and our decisions and actions take us to live the life we live. Most of us live a life of quiet desperation.