I love learning. Even if the learning is preceded, or a result of some bad experience… even if it is pain…
You learn nothing from pleasant, or good, or happy.
You can only learn from bad, mistakes, wrong steps, screw-ups, or failures.
If you are willing. If you are not willing, then you’ll never learn. And if the glove doesn’t fit… don’t wear it.
I talked to two clients yesterday.
I asked one how he was feeling. I already knew because I had run his numbers, but I was curious how he felt about how he felt.
To my surprise he went into his memory and started to hee and haw. WTF? he looked good, his color, his skin tone, his eyes…
Posted on January 27, 2017 by University
in Evolution Modalities |
Tagged alive , answer , article , bad experience , being , bottom , cats , certain things , chance , choose , client , clients , color , count , Daniel , day , depending , dull , Dyslexia , excitement , eyes , fake , feeling , Feelings , field , finding , fit , food , fun , funny , gene , guess , Happiness , happy , having a good time , having fun , health , heck , help , high , high school , human , hunch , it , Knowledge , laughter , learning , life , link , lol , love , luck , lucky , making , miserable , mistakes , moment , morning , original , original article , pain , pebble , people , pictures , place , player , present , question , real , real love , remember , right , school , screw , search , seeing , should , shows , skills , skin , step , steps , strike , surprise , survival , teaching , ted , things , thinking , time , to.learn , tools , tree , trying , ups , video , watch , weird , willing , word , working , works , world , wrong , yesterday |