An interesting phenomenon: people who have never had any spiritual capacity activated, do better, fare better than “advanced” students.
Of course this is not true for everyone.
What is the difference, the crucial difference that I see?
It is whether they are in falling, whether they are flailing, or have hit bottom.
“Beginners” have hit bottom. They know it. There is no doubt about it. Unless they get that new spiritual capacity working, life will stay the same, and they will conine to feel alone, misunderstood, and rejected.
The less capacities you have the closer you are to the bottom.
Asking what those capacities are, those seven is a little dumb, but just think about it.
What does everyone who went to school has to have as capacity? Reading, using language, i.e. writing ans speaking, adding numbers, recognizing faces, smells, sounds, telling the time, basic stuff.
You may be able to cook.
You may be able to clean.
You may be able drive…
But they are not capacities: they use capacities, but they are behaviors…
Of course if the game can’t be saved, then the game can’t be saved.
But even if I, with my physical eyes, and my “brilliant intellect” can’t see that the game can be saved, taken to winning, be turned around, be saved… if it can be, consciousness will see it.
I am very grateful that consciousness is not judgmental, consciousness doesn’t badger me when I mess games up. Games, like my health, games like my diet, games like my marketing, games like my income, games like my relationships.
To the limited perspective of the human mind, I take those games, often, t
If I hear you right, what you want is attitudes and behaviors that produce result. Money, happiness, power, peace, fulfillment… love… What you need is capacities… Read on…
This week I have worked on people who have sent me a long list of teachers, coaches, products they ave bought and perused, and yet, their vibration was below the tolerable level, and when I checked them for missing capacities, they had a ton… Like the guy in the previous article… 80 missing capacities.
By the way, I have six missing capacities myself… so even above 900 vibration you have some capacities missing.
My soul correction is Forget Thyself… arrogance, and already knowing it all… so the biggest missing capacities for this soul correction are the sight, seeing the consequences of your actions.
The second capacity is consistency: actually remembering that there is a sight, and one must look before one can see… very hard for me to learn and be consistent.
Now, what is the usefulness of a “diagnosis” like that?
If you don’t have the capacity active, you can ask me to activate it.
If you don’t have the behavior, then you can ask m
The willingness to look is a behavior, it’s an attitude, and therefore cannot be activated.
If you act without looking, or if you act from what is stored in your mind, then the activator of the capacity to see the consequences of your actions won’t make any difference.
There is a prerequisite to seeing: and that is looking.
And most of you do not have the habit to look…
One of the arrogant behaviors is to not look. I do it, you do it.
Is that a stupid behavior? Yeah, it is. And stupid as the stupid does… that is why I am stupid, and you are stupid too.
Whenever I remember that I am stupid, it is a reminder to look… and then the capacity of seeing the consequences of my action kicks in… and voila, I make a smart decision from what I see.
So you see, stupid is not a capacity or the lack of it, stupid is behavior.
I have been pondering a student’s email all morning. ((I woke up today with a real distinction between ‘me’ and ‘my machine’. It is so coo! I can actually feel the two different states of being. Thanks Sophie!
This is so cool I just had to share it with you. It gives me a real sense of how I can relate to my machine differently. Here’s hoping I can stay in this state of awareness as the day progresses. For the rest of my life is preferable!! For the rest of my life is my goal.
Wow, my poor little machine! Doing so much of my work. Let’s see how I do in directing her instead of her trying to do something she is not capable of doing effectively, and something she is not equipped to do. )) And when I ponder, I do it while I do other things.
What I do most frequently is play Freecell, a card game, a solitaire. I can have my bilocation mos
Warning: read the footnotes… In this article they are especially telling. I put everything in the footnotes that would make the article difficult to read… But their position, in the footnotes, doesn’t make them not important, or not part of the article. Consider yourself warned… lol
I measured someone’s vibration, re-measured 3 times. It was consistently 100.
We emailed back and forth, this is the last email that came, this morning:
Hello Sophie,
My last message to you was a kind of joke, I must apologize and thank you for your reply. The reason for my writing is to let you know for the final time that you are wrong. My vibration is somewhere around 350, not 100.
Go read the rest of the article
We must admit there are people who do LIFE better than we do, they get ahead, they live well, seem happy.
How do successful people do it? They have good judgment. But where do you get such good judgement from? Good judgment comes from bad experience. And the bad experience comes from pain. What…
Go read the rest of the article