Updated and a brand new interpretation: 9/6/2016 Soul Correction: Silent Partner: The Key To Being A Winner In Life completely resisted and refused. Getting the essence of a soul correction is difficult, because it is tricky… and this one, Silent … Continue reading → Related Posts: Updated: Soul Correction: Speak Your Mind Updated: Soul Correction […]
You can have anything but not at the same time

Life, happiness, well-being, prosperity is achieved and maintained only on a narrow and hemmed-in path (the strait), the opposite of what you wish it were, the opposite you see others have, the opposite you see on television, on ads.
You have been duped. You have swallowed the lie, hook, line and sinker and you have been paying the price.
Your life is empty, purposeless, meaningless, and you have nothing to look forward to.
Last night I was pondering, instead of sleeping, ((which is quickly becoming my new habit, I mean not sleeping,)) what is the behavioral, emo
How to get out of the trap seeing yourself as a victim?
I once had a boy friend who refused to have sex with me when I wanted it, saying that I was using him. When he wanted… that was ok. This article is a little sloppy, stream of consciousness… let me … Continue reading → Related Posts: How does David Hawkins test vibrations? Winners and losers: […]
High vibration, high achiever people err on the side of judging you more capable than you are.

Teachers, and coaches, who themselves are high vibration and high achievers, I know a few, see you better than you are, and tell you that with a little, or a lot of coaching you can achieve the life you want.
But, unfortunately, we desire things we are not equipped to achieve, or are not willing to move towards.
Why is this?
Because it takes active, working capacities to do things. DNA capacities… capacities that you cannot learn… Capacities are not like knowledge. Capacities are not like skills. Capacities are either open or not open. If they aren’t open, they need to be opened, either by being in a do or di
Winners and losers: what is the difference between being a winner or a loser?
If you observe, every long running TV show went through a sudden change a year or two ago. The plots got steeper, the camera movements swifter. Why? Because we live in “attention economy”. The rarest resource, the most un-renewable resource … Continue reading →
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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
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Updated: Silent Partner: The Key To Being A Winner In Life
Soul Correction: Silent Partner: The Key To Being A Winner In Life Most people live like they are alone. Left to their own devices, to struggle, to eke out a living for themselves, to take care of everyone else but … Continue reading →Read More http://