Do you know what no feelings mean? You are dead…

cultural differences. in the west people take pictures, in Japan they move the train.

Do you know what no feelings mean? You are dead… While you are alive life is ups and downs, good feelings, bad feelings, neutral feelings.

The fact that you can’t feel your feelings doesn’t mean they aren’t there…

Yesterday was a weird day.

First I fell victim to taking things personally. I’d like to say it was funny, but taking things personally is not fun.

The whole day passed without a single email, and also without most of my regular clients and students visiting my site. I was checking.

Late afternoon I started to contemplate that I have lost my customers.

Then I look

The importance of knowing what you want

Knowing what you want to achieve, is one thing that is missing in you. Another name for that is called “mental representation” of what you want to achieve.

Mental representation is a detailed picture, so detailed and so tangible, that you can pinpoint where reality is deviating from it… and how.

Mental representation is a spiritual capacity that sits squarely on a lot of other spiritual capacities, so obviously it is not part of the first seven most people have, not even part of the first 13, many professionals have, not even part of the first 20, that doctors have. And

Want to break out of living the life the selfish gene allows you to live?


How does mind serve the ego, and ego serves the selfish gene… Evolutionary view of team “you”

Tuesdays are my days to interface with people who are neither my readers, nor my clients.

Ordinary people. And although it is very frustrating to me, and maybe even them, I learn a lot from these unpleasant interactions.

Ever since I read The Selfish Gene, a book, and even more since I read the book “Why beautiful people have daughters” a look on life through evolutionary psychology, I am trying to match what I read with what I see, hear, and feel.

It’s a fresh new way to look at people, and a lot more forgiving than th

How can I tell when you are stuck in your mind… where you have no power?

hugs_428_ndogThe mind was born when language was born. New… compared to the body and its intelligence.

When you live in the mind, you are cut off from the source of your intelligence, and from consciousness.

This means different things to different people… visual, auditory, or the most cut off… the abstract thinker.

When you are kinesthetic… you experience life, the world, through your body, direction means something different to you than others…

Activist and author Naomi Klein tells a story about the time she traveled to Australia at the request o

I was looking at trust, the intangible capacity to trust… and its role in becoming a winner

no trust - no winningIn the past four months that I have been able to turn on individual capacities for people, I have received no request to turn on trust.

Why is that?

After all people, rightly, asked me for self-trust. But self-trust won’t be enough.

So what can be the current world view with regards to trust, that trust doesn’t come up as number one to turn on.

Because, whether you know it or not, without trust there is no winning. Without trust there is no flow. Without trust there is no fulf

Goal setting and other usual activities for January… should you set goals?

You want to teach what you need yourself. Why? Because that way you can teach from your own learning experience, instead of tree of knowledge. So far so good… but… Some things almost lie outside of your reach… you can … Continue reading → Related Posts: Happy New Year! New webinar to help you grow […]