I had an interesting insight yesterday: you don’t know what it feels like to have courage available to you.
When you apply courage, it just feels like you are doing what you are doing, what you were afraid of. Normal.
Which indicates to me, that courage is a paradigm-shifter.
Paradigm is like a glass ceiling. A one-side mirror. When you are in a higher paradigm, you can see what is below you, but if you are still in a lower paradigm, you cannot see what’s above. In fact you don’t know there is something, anything.
Please read my email exchange with an exceptional student of mine…
I want you to learn something from it: my process, how to write intelligent emails (not mine, lol) and how to look at my articles in a constructive way.
Also, if you are someone like a doctor, a scientist, my method probably drives you crazy… I seem disorganized, have no answers to many questions… I have had people quit my programs complaining about that.
I this article I explain why things are the way they are, why I work the way I work… It’s obvious that it’s not for everybody… no clear cut anything…. 🙁
As I am dealing with the issue of courage, I realized something that I had never quite seen before:
All the quotes, all the memes, all the nice sayings on the internet have one function only: to make you stay the same.
And by same I mean driven by ego, fear, cowardice, slothfulness, superiority, pretense… etc.
Now, that is a bold statement, after all those quotes and memes, and nice sayings, and even coaching claim and sound and look inspiring. And therein lies the mischief:
They suggest that you can just simple want it more, choose it, believe it and then you can have it… whatever the
I have been wrong in thinking that humility is the ultimate stumbling block. It seems that humility can help the mind withdraw from the “I don’t need to hear this I already know everything” stance, and allow you to learn, and use your other faculties.
But I can now see, that without courage first activated, present and in working order, humility won’t be accepted, because it takes courage to get out of the mind.
I hate that this is so… after all I spent so much time attempting to activate humility, with no success.
This article will make you angry, or scared… And neither being angry, nor being scared is a good sign… they show that you have only a few human capacities active… and I probably can’t help you. Your best choice is to leave… Unsubscribe if you are a subscriber.
OK, here is the article:
There are no aliens.
There are no Aliens. But there are alien-like bugs.
When you search on google for alien bugs, you see bugs like you are used to, legs, eyes, pincers, and then something added… The imagination of graphic artists, movie makers, com
The less capacities you have the closer you are to the bottom.
Asking what those capacities are, those seven is a little dumb, but just think about it.
What does everyone who went to school has to have as capacity? Reading, using language, i.e. writing ans speaking, adding numbers, recognizing faces, smells, sounds, telling the time, basic stuff.
You may be able to cook.
You may be able to clean.
You may be able drive…
But they are not capacities: they use capacities, but they are behaviors…
You have been choosing the shrink most of your life… and you ended up on my site with a meager number of capacities, hoping to get more out of life than you are getting.
You have been choosing, consistently to be a fat flightless turkey, in spite of your DNA that has flying as a capacity.
Yesterday I activated the capacity of Process for a handful of people… and it seems that this is a crucial capacity… Here are some interesting insights reading people’s notes who just got the Process capacity activated
Your smarts don’t live in your brain. Comparing brains is a favorite job of scientist, but they are on the wrong track.
Instead they should ask questions that relevant… I wonder why they don’t think to answer relevant questions.
Questions like what happens when a really smart man has a daughter? How come that women, in general, are less capable, less able to make it in the world?
And the answer doesn’t live in the brain: it lives in the DNA.
Children inherit a combination of their parents’ DNA. A child can be smart, even brilliant as a potential, socialization will force