I watched this hour and a half long documentary on Sun Tzu’s lessons, and real historical wars America fought inside and outside of America.
I wept throughout.
I value, overall, human life. Even if it is the life of someone I don’t like, don’t respect, or who is the enemy.
So it was painful.
If you are one of those who doesn’t have the stomach for real life, who only wants to know about the nice things in life… You are stupid. Life is life, people are people, and life is war.
It’s eerie how soul correction that is calculated from your date of birth and zodiac signs, calculated from just your birthday can be so very accurate in their core.
By core I mean your base nature. What you are inclined to do, the attitude you are inclined to have.
My horoscope for the next weeks or so… by Rob Brezsny: VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Pike’s Peak is a 14,115-foot mountain in Colorado. It’s not a simple task to trek to the top. Unless you’re well-trained, you might experience altitude sickness. Wicked thunderstorms are a regular occurrence during the summer. Snow falls year-round. But back in 1929, an adv
It is Saturday afternoon and Netflix is down… and half of the United States is scrambling, wondering what they should do with their lives. lol…
I have been downloading the Spiritual Energy that is available on this Day of Power, several times today, and it is the nicest energy I have ever encountered…
It’s not physical. It is all spiritual energy, the energy you need to grow, spiritually and as a person, the energy you need to engage in serious self-examination… So here is mine.
This is my “response”… more like reaction to nearly every task I need to do in my business.
I am not naturally and innately the surrendering type. I am fiercely independent, and I even abhor my own ideas that make me do something… almost anything.
My dominant mode is “avoid domination”…
Your dominant mode is predetermined in your soul correction, and one of your activities, throughout your lifetime, is to tame that beast… Oh, your dominant mode is like a beast that prevents you from climbing the tree of life, from raising your consciousness, raising your vibration.
So what could be YOUR dominant mode? Your dominant approach to life, other p
I am talking about the timing of the Big Power… coming down. But how did it happen? How could I screw up like this?
OK, fair enough. Let’s look how…
I didn’t do enough research and the power has been already coming down like there is no tomorrow.
This article is a tad meandering… you need to just walk with me to get the benefit. If you do, you’ll like it. If you don’t: you’ll hate it. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you!
I didn’t sleep a wink last night. I was in bed, but not sleeping. The energy was so strong. Now I am starting to understand while, like clockwork, some nights I am so full of energy I can’t sleep… This is new to me too…
My homework for the course I am in is to read 200 testimonials to a book in my niche.
My niche is self growth, becoming a human being, being all you can become…
A little vague, I am afraid. But being able to pinpoint what attracts people that say they want to grow is what I want to do… so I have been reading those darned testimonials.
I’ve chosen to only track testimonials to book I have read myself:
Frequency by Penney Peirce (personal vibration: 130)… Truth value 3% and E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout (personal vibration: 170) truth value between 5 and 8 percent, depending where the reade
Every so-called guru talks about the subconscious mind, and such nonsense.
What they don’t talk about is how much of what is happening, what is real, what is in front of you is making no impression on you… how little of what is around you, what you are reading, watching, listening to reaches your conscious awareness.
And whatever you do is based on that 1-3% that you actually aware to or the 100%… and you think you have all the facts.
“Everyone operates and makes decisions based on his or her current level of conscious awareness.”
This is why your level of awareness is the most predictive of you success.
Yogananda… I have measured his vibration at different times, in different contexts, always having a different number come up. So today I spent some time in his space… to see what’s up.
Paramahansa Yogananda was a sad person. For two reasons, the two sides of the same coin: he had something that he wanted to share, and it wasn’t shareable.
His words are simply his idea what made him the way he was, and the words did not communicate. Did not do for others what they, he thought,
I woke up this morning. For the second day in a row, I am bursting of energy, more energy than I know what to do with.
I have been sorting my laundry. I have been cleaning the stove top, the sinks… doing things the I turned away from before, because I didn’t have anything to give it.
I went for a quick walk yesterday.
I am getting a lot more done even in my business.
I am starting to get some realizations that I did not expect.
For one: humanity is not ready to raise their vibration.
You are trying to put the cart in front of the horses.
You are worrying about the wrong thing. About the trip to th
You want to raise your vibration… maybe that’s the way to attract love, money, happiness to your life.
But you don’t have enough energy to do the work that would raise your vibration…
You are stuck between a rock and a hard place…
We each want to be unique, special, one of a kind. At the same time we want to be able to pigeonhole ourselves, so we can know how we are, so we can know what to eat, or what to pursue in life.
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