Notes from my experience with activating the DNA capacity of seeing the consequences of your actions

notesThe new capacity, the capacity to see the consequences of your actions, clearly, like a diagram is an unconscious capacity. Unconscious meaning: you don’t necessarily notice any difference, especially if

    1. your ego keeps shouting: it’s hopeless…
    2. the subconscious will keep on feeding you the same nonsense it’s been feeding you to get you where you are…
    3. greed, urges, jumping, impulsiveness will have you jump without looking. The fact that you can see doesn’t guarantee that you’ll look.

All activation was successful… I am writing in the process, and I almost never write: the energy went through… I take it for gran

How to make your new DNA activated capacity actually work for you


Unconscious Incompetence: the missing item

Like knowledge, capacities are either conscious or not.

When a knowledge, a skill, a capacity is conscious, you know to reach for it when it would be useful. It is like you know you have a Phillips screwdriver… and you reach for it.

But if you have never had a Phillips screwdriver, as far as you are concerned, you have to substitute other methods to screw in a screw, imperfect tools for an imperfect result, or give it up and find another screw. Makes sense so far?

DNA activation: Human DNA is like a Christmas tree: it has lots of light on, and even more lights off.

active-and-inactive-dna-capacityHuman DNA is like a Christmas tree: it has lots of light on, and even more lights off.

A light on is a human capacity that is active. A light off is a human capacity that is not active.

Evolution of the species is an inside job. It happens on the DNA level: some capacities turn on.

But how do these capacities turn on, and why isn’t everybody the same on the level of DNA?

A DNA capacity turns on when it’s needed. Comfort, peace, smooth living don’t turn on new capacities.

You don’t need them. You could use them, but you don’t need them.

When I

The capacity of the sight… that gives people like Warren Buffet the edge

warren buffet has the capacity to see the consequences of his actions openWarning: as always, the most important things are explained in the footer part of the post! Don’t miss them!

Some weeks are like this: I do something, see something, write about something important, and on Monday Roy Williams’ Monday Morning Memo echoes it.

This is the case this week… You know when you manage to do something whose time has come? Gratifying, rewarding, like the Universe nods in your direction. ((Roy Wil

I found a missing capacity. I am now clear why you are not doing your spiritual work

flowers-or-weeds-chooseOK, if you have found yourself not being willing, or not being able to do the practices, or keep doing them: this article is for you.

I have been studying learning styles, thinking styles, teaching methods to make my teaching more effective. And while it wasn’t a waste of time, because it brought me to this day and this knowledge, it was putting the cart in front of the horse.

Today I recounted some effective teaching methods to a friend… They were effective to me. But when I looked at all the people who were exposed to the same teaching, same teaching method, same teacher, at the sam

That’s what is a “bitch” about life: what goes up must come down

F-Roller-Coaster-at-Top-of-Hill-4That’s what is a “bitch” about life, that nothing is EVER in the bag. You have to keep your eyes on it, push it, make the right choices, do it, and then, maybe, it gets into the bag.

I am talking about projects. Big or small, it is never in the bag until it is in the bag.

They say it is not over until the fat lady sings… but that is for spectators, that don’t enjoy the show.

A participant, it is never over until it is done…

No matter how good it looks now, no matter how good it feels now, in the next moment it can tumble, go south, the whol

Self-possessed… living from the Witness position, living from Consciousness


The question in your life is: who possesses who? Who possesses what?

But the answer to that question, albeit it is fashionable to think that the guy/gal with the most toys wins, will surprise you: the person who possesses himself wins, every step of the way.

I pretty much don’t know anyone with any level of self-possession: it can be measured.

People are like leaves blowing in the wind, flotsam on the ocean… out of control, hoping for a favorable wind… lacking what can only developed by rigorous practice.

Rigorous? Practice? Please stop laughing… you are out of control!

But like anything of value,

Why do I use energies in my coaching? Why don’t I just talk to you?

lasting-resultsTalk therapy doesn’t work. Coaching doesn’t work. Transformational programs don’t work. ((There are a few programs that claim to use energies, but in my experience those programs don’t work either. Why? Because the energies are not precise. They may cause temporary improvement, but won’t effect the DNA, where the capacity needs to be turned on for lasting transformation to become possible… Possible, but not certain, by the way. Read on, I’ll explain why it is not certain.))

But why? And if they don’t work: why are there so many testimonials on the internet?

These programs don’t work, because at best they give you tempo

Falling in step, intelligence, tough choices


Falling in step

I just finished a Talk-to-me call. It’s a call available for people on my mailing list, where they can ask any questions and get answers, coaching, whatever they need. The call was a breakthrough in a lot of ways.

First off, I distinguished for myself, for the second time, that unless I fall in step with the person I coach, they can’t get what I am saying as contribution and cannot act on it.

Falling in step with music is obviously fun. Falling in step with a drum circle is fun. But falling in step with another person is a challenge. But unless you do, discord is the result.

So what

Vibrational Review: 5 stages of Consciousness Evolution by Vishen Lakhiani

Vishen Lakhiani becoming limitlessVishen Lakhiani is the owner of MindValley… a huge company promoting gurus and their programs.

The original article was to promote his webinar workshop on becoming limitless, on October 13. The webinar’s job is to promote their continuity, i.e. subscription to the $29 a month Mindvalley Academy.

Because so many people are interested in becoming limitless, or at least happier, I am going to review the article… I can’t review the webinar, or something I haven’t happened… but I can look at the person and his work any time, and make bold assertions to their resu