People who can’t tolerate negative, unpleasant, ambivalent feelings try to resist them, which is the surest way to make them permanent, or at least last.
What you resist persist… Carl Jung (1875-1961) says, and it is true. ((Psychologically speaking, resistance and resolution are at opposite poles. For resistance has fundamentally to do with not being able, or willing, to deal with the negative experiences in your life. And ultimately your happiness depends a lot more on handling—then letting go of—such adversities than it does, self-protectively, denying them, or fighting against them. In addition, so does (unwittingly) holding onto their associated feelings of hurt, sorrow, anxiety, or anger.
Jung was talking about his research into what he ca
A client had his attachments pulled in March. He came back after seven months for a checkup. His vibration dropped 60 points. I checked him for attachments, and he had nine, two of them healer attachments. These are the people … Continue reading →
Bending God: A Memoir By Eric Robison Personal vibration: 190… book truth value: 170 “DNA activation”. How much truth is on the website, and the founder Sol Luckman? Truth value of “DNA activation”: 170, Sol Luckman personal vibration: 150 Rose Rosetree ENERGY SPIRITUALITY and energetic literacy EMPATH