I have been dealing with arrogance in my students.
Arrogance is unearned boastful superiority.
Most people don’t know, don’t care because they themselves are not achievers… but you can have confidence that is justified by your accomplishments, your superior knowledge.
To the uninitiated, they look and sound the same. But they aren’t. You only need to scratch the surface.
I have detected a certain ancestral commonality in that behavior.
And have been pondering why and how and for what purpose are certain nationalities arrogant.
This article starts out very philosophical. If you can’t stand that, jump to here…
What is health?
No one has defined it yet, because just like “good” was until Dr Robert Hartman came along to define it, existed only in a context of good this or good that.
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What Robert Hartman said is that good is that which fulfills completely its design. That which is most fully itself.
A few months ago I signed up to a service to create mobile apps, including a mobile app that would make it easier for cell phone users to use this site.
It was mighty expensive, but I thought that if I get just one new customer from it a month, it will pay for itself.
I signed up, and paid the $49 for a few months, but I never did anything with it.
I canceled it a few days ago.
In this article I am going to examine what is the dynamic of this phenomenon: you see something, you want something, and then you don’t do it, y
The truth, the big picture, and all the details are in the hidden dimension of the universe. And to unfold any of it, work is needed. Persistent poking of the box.
Some cultures are box-pokers, and others are complacent, satisfied with the size of their jail cell.
I come from a box-poker culture.
Individuals, of course, differ in their level of desire to go beyond the walls… But the average, the culture, is either box poker or not… degrees again… not black and white.
Message to my friend: please don’t be offended. This was too good a story, too educational, to pass by. I didn’t mean to offend you, or invalidate your effort.
Is responsibility a capacity? If it isn’t, it should be… but it isn’t.
Responsibility, the behavior, has lots of other capacities that need to be lit up for it to work.
I am observing an unfolding dramatic story: a storm in a teacup.
I don’t have a car. I have a woman, who has become a friend eventually, drive me on Tuesdays to do my errands, chiropractor, grocery sh