Inspirational quotes that make you to feel worthless… How Facebook destroys humanity

Someone gave me a framed poster some 20 years ago. I have hated it that long… Today it became useful.
Some of the inspirational quotes we read are not inspirational at all, until we get to a place that they are useful. Inspiration as a momentary good feeling is useless, or even harmful. In the…

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Is it smart to ask questions?

People don’t ask me enough questions… they just go and do what they always do, with blinders on.
When they do ask questions, (some ask hundreds of questions!) the questions are not good questions. Good questions would guide them, bad questions keep them square in their box.
How do I know? I…

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Holographic Case Study: Even her children and husband are changing…

When people change around you… who you are blaming? Where do you look for cause and effect? Do you know what causes what? I bet you don’t…
This is a case study of one of my coaching students…
I have been coaching people for about 30 years, and have been running my own programs for almost…

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Back to the future… How to change your present and your future by tweaking the past?


Can you go back to the past and change it? Will the future change with it?
Silly sounding question, but it is not as silly as it sounds.
Because we look at life, at what is happening, through the limited perspective of the human mind, we actually don’t know what is happening, only


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Why do you want to change?

You cannot grow if you think that there is something wrong with you. You need to return to the starting point: there is nothing wrong with you, with who you are, what you think, what you feel, how you look. Nothing. And when you can be that place, then you can start to grow in any direction you wish. Really

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Attitude Adjustment – is it easy?

Our attitudes are the base of the iceberg… you need to go deep to find them, appreciate them, and change them. No voodoo method, energies, subliminal, affirmations will every change them… just cover them even more, and push them deeper, into hiding.

Attitude in relation to yourself: your self-esteem

Attitude: the most potent invisible builder or invisible destroyer of your life, of your dreams, of your results, of your relationships. It is invisible to you, but glaringly obvious to others. Isn’t it time you took an inventory and start changing your attitudes, one by one.

How to Think For Yourself… or Don’t be a buffalo

When buffalo were still common in North America, Native American hunters learned a trick to hunt the herd animals. Buffalo don’t look up when moving as a group. In fact, if a few buffalo in a herd were startled into running, the entire herd would charge, even if most of the buffalo had no i…

Attitude, the most misunderstood word in the world… A holographic approach to attitude adjustment

Attitude is everything. If you take two people with the exact same circumstances, one will thrive, the other will shrink and perish. Attitude is your relationship to things. But not ‘relationship as an outward issue,’ but an internal issue. An attitude is relationship invented and expressed in language. It was invented, chosen, consciously, or unconsciously, in language. Mostly internal language, between you and you… you call them thoughts, but it is really a speaking you did… a decision, a judgment, a conclusion about you, about another, about the world.

Change your perspective and get unstuck. Perspective Series Part 1

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