What is Freedom? What is Liberty? What is the difference?

Freedom versus Liberty, thrivers, survivors, or fallen by the wayside

When I ask people what they want, many say they want freedom. When we poke into it: they want a sense of freedom, but think the way to get to freedom is through liberty… Let me explain.

Just like with all words we use, here is huge confusion, a collapse of two distinctions: freedom and liberty. They are not connected. They don’t even overlap!

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/14154/freedom-liberty/

You asked for your vibrational reading. You got it. You don’t agree… Here is a public answer

Warning: read the footnotes… In this article they are especially telling. I put everything in the footnotes that would make the article difficult to read… But their position, in the footnotes, doesn’t make them not important, or not part of the article. Consider yourself warned… lol

I measured someone’s vibration, re-measured 3 times. It was consistently 100.

We emailed back and forth, this is the last email that came, this morning:

Hello Sophie,
My last message to you was a kind of joke, I must apologize and thank you for your reply. The reason for my writing is to let you know for the final time that you are wrong. My vibration is somewhere around 350, not 100.

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/14123/vibrational-reading/

Acceptance: what it is, what it isn’t

Acceptance… does it mean you like it? Does it mean you condone it? Does it mean you want it? Does it mean you are a doormat?

Accepting things the way they are, people the way they are and the way they aren’t, is the key to happiness.

But, as I am finding out, there is a confusion about what acceptance means.

For it to be clear, we need to first look at resistance.

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/14115/acceptance/

Not all complaints are created equal plus a funny story to wake you up

This article may be the most important article you’ll ever read… This is not an exaggeration. Any day is a good day to wake up, but around these weeks of greed and herdlike stomping to get more stuff, it is especially a good time. So, as you understand, this is a wake up article…

We all say we hate complainers. And we all complain.

But is there any form of complaint that is not a downer, that is not a racket, that is a good thing?

I like to watch entire series of television shows on Netflix. If I don’t like it, I just start another one. No commercials, no TV needed, easy.

I watched Foyle’s War, a British series, and I was encouraged: well written, well played. So I started to watch a Swedish series, Wallander. Five stars… must be good.

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/14069/complaint/

“Sell dreams, not products.” said Steve Jobs. Most purchases stay a dream only, a disappointing one at that

If you are like me, if you understand the title of this article, you are terrified, dismayed, disgusted… Feel cheated, duped, bamboozled… But chances are you have no idea what the title says. You keep buying the stuff and get no results whatsoever. This article may change it for you forever.

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/13871/sell-dreams/

Shall I measure your vibration when you are your best, or when you are your worst?

This week I have been working to make my vibrational reviews more accessible, easier to find. I didn’t realize: it’s a lot of work.

Then someone requested a vibrational review on a person I have never heard about. I started to investigate, and could not see how she can be so famous and such low vibration. Personal vibration 100, fame: through the roof.

Asking myself this question made my Reticular Activator start working in earnest.

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/13861/measure-vibration-2/

Republished: and Updated: How do I go about deciding if a guru is speaking the truth or not

I am quite known for my “guru” reviews. I use my two unique faculties to do these reviews. I connect to Source. Then I connect to them, I feel their feelings, guilt, shame, anger, greed, breathing, etc. and then I muscle test their vibrations, the truth value of their teachings. It takes me 3-10 minutes on average.

The measurements I produce with this method are reliable and consistent.

Although it sounds simple, I haven’t met anyone who could duplicate it. Connecting to Source and not your mind is not easy. Connecting to another person is not easy. Feeling their feelings is not easy. Muscle testing without any involvement from the mind is not easy.

Oftentimes, simple muscle testing doesn’t give me the why and the how. Then I go deep into the material, and I use a different faculty: seeing with my awareness to decide if they are any good, and if they aren’t, what’s the issue with t

What it takes to get ahead in life, what it takes to raise your vibration from where you are now

We must admit there are people who do LIFE better than we do, they get ahead, they live well, seem happy.
How do successful people do it? They have good judgment. But where do you get such good judgement from? Good judgment comes from bad experience. And the bad experience comes from pain. What…

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/13290/no-guts-no-glory/

When you don’t know what you are about, you are lost

One commonality among my many readers is that they don’t feel well. That they are plagued with too much activity in the mind, that they listen from their minds, and that they have negative emotions that they resist, avoid, run from, urges they succumb to. They are in forceful resistance…

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/13053/you-are-lost/

How to enter growth mode the easy way?

In life you are either growing or you are shrinking. You are either moving or you are stuck.
When you grow, you feel wonderful, When you shrink, you feel horrible…
This article is about a method to to cause your own growth in a gentle easy way, little by little.
Below is my horoscope for the…

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/12907/enter-growth-mode/