I listened to step two of the 67 steps, I think, the seventh time three days ago, and then again yesterday. The step is about evolution. Growth. What it takes to grow… personally. It’s also about being adaptable, it’s about … Continue reading
I listened to step two of the 67 steps, I think, the seventh time three days ago, and then again yesterday. The step is about evolution. Growth. What it takes to grow… personally. It’s also about being adaptable, it’s about … Continue reading
People who can’t tolerate negative, unpleasant, ambivalent feelings try to resist them, which is the surest way to make them permanent, or at least last.
What you resist persist… Carl Jung (1875-1961) says, and it is true. ((Psychologically speaking, resistance and resolution are at opposite poles. For resistance has fundamentally to do with not being able, or willing, to deal with the negative experiences in your life. And ultimately your happiness depends a lot more on handling—then letting go of—such adversities than it does, self-protectively, denying them, or fighting against them. In addition, so does (unwittingly) holding onto their associated feelings of hurt, sorrow, anxiety, or anger.
Jung was talking about his research into what he ca
I am asked questions, all the time.
Asking questions is a sign. What kind of questions… that is yet another sign.
And then asking intelligent questions… well, that is quite another matter.
I am going to my memory now, and say what I retained about questions from the book Curious… that the better questions, the more intellectual questions one asks the higher level of evolution the person is.
But no matter what question you ask, the answer, if it sticks strictly to the question, will be on the same level where you asked it from.
That is a problem…
Unless the answ
One can connect to Source on whatever vibrational level one is…
Vibrational level, in this context equals the consciousness level, or how far up you have ascended on the Tree of Life.
I know of four levels of connecting. Each higher level includes the previous lower level of capacities.
Level 0: Theta mode: you connect to your self… Here is the webinar recording that teaches it… Theta training. You have to be registered as a subscriber to that site.
I don’t want to… I don’t like it… arrgh, nooo!
This is my “response”… more like reaction to nearly every task I need to do in my business.
I am not naturally and innately the surrendering type. I am fiercely independent, and I even abhor my own ideas that make me do something… almost anything.
My dominant mode is “avoid domination”…
Your dominant mode is predetermined in your soul correction, and one of your activities, throughout your lifetime, is to tame that beast… Oh, your dominant mode is like a beast that prevents you from climbing the tree of life, from raising your consciousness, raising your vibration.
I am often asked to map out the path to raising your vibration, raising your consciousness, and become a full fledged human being.
The first step to any journey is to find out where you are at now.
As I muscle test people’s vibration… as I am merging my senses with theirs, feeling their feelings, I feel their overall relationship to life. I feel it stronger than they feel it… like a tool that puts your heartbeat on loudspeaker.
Most people give me feedback, saying “spot on” if they are from England, and then follow my first steps to feel better.
Soul correction
Is it for you?
Soul Correction is the fundamental way you are stuck in becoming a human being, you are stopped in your evolution.
When we look at humanity, literally no one is doing the work they need to do to correct the ways in which they are off the path of growing.
Thousands of courses, millions of books, maybe even millions of coaches, but they are coaching you to make life better, not you better.
Which means, doing this work for you is both unfamiliar, and probably way beyond where you even wanted to go.
There are two ways to deal with this:
My work is to research, test, and fail at causing the evolution of humankind.
It is not to make life easier
Becoming Like God, Climbing The Tree of Life There are two fundamental ways to live life , and that reflects in every choice we make, every thought we have, every action we take. One way is to say: “I am all I can be, and my job is to make the best with what I have got. If I choose to grow, I have schools to go to, I have people who know more than I do, and I can learn from them.” This is the Tree of Knowledge way. The other is: I am made of the substance of God, and that substance is capable of being like God , as it is of God. Not only the substance is capable to be like God , it wants to be like God .