This is an article from The Atlantic… Hint: not by discussing IQ The I here is James Fallows… although I tend to agree with him. this is a companion article to my previous article on self-esteem…
If you just want to know what people who are actually smart think of themselves… talk about themselves, jump there…
by James Fallows Jan 6, 2018 Science
I’ve never met or interviewed Donald Trump, though like most of the world I feel amply exposed to his outlooks and styles of expression. So I can’t say whether, in person, he somehow conveys the edge, the sparkle, the ability to connect, the layers of meaning that we usually associate with both emotional and analytical intelligence.
But I have had the chance over the years to meet and interview a large sampling of people whom the world views the way Trump views himself. That is, according to this mornin
I have been toying, playing with the idea of teaching the Effortless Abundance Course…
What has been blocking me is the kinds of people who want it.
You see effortless is a lie… although efforting, per se, ((per se, NOT per say…!
by, of, for, or in itself; intrinsically:
This candidate is not a pacifist per se, but he is in favor of peaceful solutions when practicable.
Synonyms: innately, inherently, indigenously, fundamentally)) is unnecessary.
Efforting is a concept. But doing things, learning things, unlearning things, is sometimes hard work. And for most people, who are attracted to the Effortless Abundance idea, work is a dirty word.
I am following the teaching of a guy who teaches marketing… Marketing is having something to sell, finding buyers for it, and selling it mostly through audio, video, or the written word. The company that is the best at it is Agora Financial. So this marketing teacher went to Agora to find out how they … Continue reading “The role of curiosity in how far you can go in life”
Many of my students and clients have a tough time dealing with people. No amount of technical skills, no amount of business savvy, no amount of education matters much if you are not able to get along, and communicate with …
I saw something today that can be important to for you to learn, because I don’t think you know. It was prompted by an article by James Altucher, a blogger (personal vibration: 170) who I like and feel disgust for at … Continue reading → Related Posts: Your sphere of influence and your vibration: what […]
March is a survival month. I have been observing it for 30 years. If a business can make it past March, then it will make it another year. This is due to people’s (the buyers who keep business in business) … Continue reading → Related Posts: You send for a vibrational reading. I send it […]
In my quest to find like-minded people, who want to better humanity, I am watching videos, and am exposed the feelings of the speaker, commentator, or whoever is in the video.
What prompted this article is a bout of weeping… for no reason.
I am sitting here examining the context inside which this happened, and I Have had no reason to be sad, to weep.
So I ask, somewhat late, this usual question: is this mine? The answer is NO. Does this belong to one of my students? no. one of my readers? no. to the speaker on the video? yes.
Now, this was today. But whenever I watch a sales video… or maybe even read a sales email…
I get the feeling of the person who wrote it.
Most often: hope+fear: A perfect prescription for misery. ((
Everybody writes about recognizing other people’s emotions, or recognizing your own emotions… but that is talking about the 14th floor in a building that stands in thin air… They write about what they know… because no one knows there is a missing 13th floor, because the science isn’t built for the 13th floor, or not quite. It has begun by a nobody in Hungary… And the science is valid. ((Read the books.))
The 13th floor is the floor of feelings. And the whole world of feelings we have been discouraged to explore, no one teaches it, because a person who is grounded in their feeli
According to Kabbalistic wisdom, the soul is not active in any of us until a certain age. 12 for girls and 13 for boys.
The soul’s job is to cause character, the soul’s job is to help you find out who you are. The Self.
Many of you have not managed to distinguish and build a Self.
A Self is your “I” that is independent and defensible from other people’s opinion, and from even your own opinion of you when you make mistakes.
I know this is a mouthful, so let me elaborate:
First aspect of a strong self: You have a strong Self, and someone says you are stupid, or you are brilliant… and your Self doesn’t get shaken up by that. Doesn’t feel a