Why do spiritual capacities turn off when they turn off? Do you have the correct answer?


Needing it

I have a student whose company moves earth. That is their business. Parking lots, roads, leveling the ground.

Unless you have a clear picture, a clear and accurate mental representation of what a job entails, you can’t bid successfully on it: you may lose your shirt if your mental representation was off. ((The doctor’s mental representation of the state of my injured ear was neither clear nor accurate, and therefore his suggestions to me were way off the mark. This was the topic of my article yesterday…))

Knowledge, Strategy, Execution, is that enough for success?

michael-jordan-mental-representationI lead a workshop on Sunday. I had knowledge, I had strategy. I executed it. It was sloppy. What was missing?

I didn’t know. But “god” works in mysterious ways, the book I am reading has an answer that shows me what has been missing for me on Sunday and all my life.

The book, Peak, the new science of expertise, calls it Mental Representation.

Mental Representation is being able to see the finished product in your mind’s eye, and also see the process getting there, so you can anticipate missteps, and can correct, given that you

Why is awareness the predictor of future success, why not skills or knowledge?

shearling-coat-2The first few steps in the 67 steps are long, rich, convoluted audios. Why? Because no matter how long the audio, you’ll only get one little thing, if that, because the cone of vision of your awareness is as wide as a pencil.

Did I notice, did I take in all he spoke about my first time around doing the 67 steps? No. I didn’t.

It is like traveling in a car. If you look out the window, you miss the conversation in the car. If you take part in the conversation in the car, you miss the whole trip. If you read, if you are hungry…

The goal is to expand the cone of awareness s

Why I refused to measure your vibration?

You sent a donation and asked me to measure your vibration.

I refund your money and I say: I can’t connect to you

I refund your money and I say: I am not allowed to connect to you.

In both cases All-of-it signals to me that either you don’t really want me to connect to you, or you are not someone I should mix my energies.

I mostly don’t know what was the real reason, until I get your reaction.

Some people send me company emails. Nothing personal. I sense it, Source knows it. They really are just testing me. No, thank you, I am not playing.

They ask me to remove them from my emails, saying that they lost confidence in me. They never had any.

Some people have the type of low energy that Source says: don’t connect. What it means “low energy”? Want me to make a list? I’d rather list for you what I like to see and feel in people, not what I’d rather stay away from.

I am proud that I have grown enough to respect my own boun

How to measure human vibrational frequency? Can your vibration be high and your consciousness low?

How to measure human vibrational frequency? How to measure your vibration? From time to time I regret having gotten myself into bad company, the company of people who teach people to raise their vibration, raise their vibrational frequency. Why? Because … Continue reading → Related Posts: Follow up on Abraham Hicks, following the death of […]

You decide: mind candy or good teaching?

Life is a game. This is your strategy guide


Cover-shallow-1024x626Real life is the game that – literally – everyone is playing. But it can be tough. This is your guide.


You might not realise, but real life is a game of strategy. There are some fun mini-games – like dancing, driving, running, and sex – but the key to winning is simply managing your resource

Lovely Mind Candy: The problem isn’t that life is unfair – it’s your broken idea of fairness

If-life-was-fair-2Article is by Oliver Emberton

Unless you’re winning, most of life will seem hideously unfair to you.

he truth is, life is just playing by different rules.

The real rules are there. They actually make sense. But they’re a bit more complicated, and a lot less comfortable, which is why most people never manage to learn them.

Let’s try.

Rule #1: Life is

You can lie to yourself, but you can’t lie to me or The culture of “good enough” fun

d5b9d-roosterOne of my students wrote to me this morning. He said:

Ok I finished my billing the other day but something I didn’t catch yesterday and this morning I got caught in my lie of not generating I relaxed. I now know I have to be more aware of this now.

Oh that… the hidden reason so many quit. The hidden reason why people quit before they get results. The hidden reason life is a series of flashes in the pan for most people.

It can be best illustrated with a story I have shared time and again, but it fits here perfectly.

The dog wakes up one morning a

Swim or sink… do or die

to be in a sink or swim situation, you first need to jumpinto the waterThis morning my main computer quietly died.

Times like this are the real tests whether the capacities are working or not.

Suddenly I had no access to anything that is on that computer, not the data, not the software, and I had a few choices: go crazy, go out of business, or bring resiliency, aka mental toughness to carry the day.

It’s Tuesday, and a few minutes after the death of my trusty computer, I went downstairs and to my weekly outing to the chiropractor and to the gro

What else do you need to know about the capacity: flexibility?

Oak-reedWhat else do you need to know about the capacity: flexibility?

In a recent article I pit reed-mode against oak-mode.

I call one flexible and the other inflexible or stuck.

But there is more to it.


  1. Reed can be blown in any direction, and it doesn’t resist
  2. Reed will return to its neutral state once the wind stops blowing. It knows what it is, and it returns there. It’s a natural state of growth, happiness and peace.

Sometimes you think you are a reed, because you are blown, in one direction: misery. But you are mistaken.

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