How to Live More Abundantly… a Jewish Story

einstein quote: There are two ways to live your life, one is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle.One night, the Shah dressed up as a peasant to enjoy the evening air undisturbed by his rank, and to wander through the streets of his empire unnoticed. He walked through town and reached the poor section of town. The street was quiet, but suddenly he heard singing from a little cottage. As he peaked through the window he saw a man sitting at a table.

He was amazed that such a poor man would be in such good spirits. He knocked on the door and asked if he would be welcome to join the man as a guest. They ate and drank together. After the meal the Shah asked the man how he earned hi

Why and how I watch Netflix? How my Netflix diet is not binging?

Like with any diet, both the what and the how are crucially important.

I’ll show you later in this article, that even if you eat the right things, if you eat wrongly, the how, you won’t feel good… you won’t get well. You won’t be present to life.

And so it is with your Netflix diet as well.

Here is how I watch Netflix…

I watch only stuff that will teach me the skills by pointing me to the capacities I could distinguish and then practice. I even take notes!

Whenever I see something noteworthy, I stop and contemplate it for minutes… long minutes. I consider Netflix my mentor…

The first series I watched was Medium.

I learned from it a lot. I learned that her first inkling wa

Want to be the one who is making the decisions in your life?

back-to-the-future-2This week has been a success for Life, and a disaster financially. Everyone was spending their money on turkey, I guess.

So I am going to announce some sales for this coming week. I’ll make them good… so you’ll buy.

Now, about the successes that lead me to a huge insight.

All that people do is guided by memes, and they think they decided to do it. And you think they decided to do it from the goodness of their heart, from the badness of their heart, whatever seem to be the case. But in fact they never decided anything… It is the memes that are doing the deciding.

This is a totally different way to look at people, at life, and at what’s happening.

You can use this to re-interpret your past.

Why Most People Will Remain in Mediocrity

Most people will never become truly successful.

“It’s lonely at the top. 99% of people are convinced they are incapable of achieving great things, so they aim for mediocre. The level of competition is thus fiercest for ‘realistic’ goals, paradoxically making them the most competitive.”

-Tim Ferriss

Most people will never be truly successful.

The pull towards mediocrity is too strong. As David Schwartz once penned, “All around you is an environment that is trying to pull you down to Second-Class Street.”

Most people will never escape the pull.

Much of the thinking around us is small-minded. Most people are overly conce

Why you don’t want what you say you want…

water energizer setupI am working, one-on-one with people who submitted their pictures of their setup of the water energizer.

This has been one of the most brilliant things I have ever decided to do.

Without feedback one may imagine a lot of things, but with feedback, eventually you arrive to the truth, to reality, and there is no room for imagination, fancy, or any other unreality.

The reality is this:

The Water Energizer works… you don’t.

There are not many “moving parts” of a water energizer setup.

There is

  • 1. the sound source. A device that can play an mp3 file 24/7. Preferably not something you use for anything else, or something you turn off.
  • 2. electricity/power. Most

How Visualization Can Help You Attain Results… and Why It Probably Won’t?

visualizationVisualization is a tool to accomplish what you want, but it can also be the tool to diagnose what you are not resonating with. Or a tool to get trapped in the desire trap.

The ultimate clue as to what you can have and hold onto, is to what degree you can visualize, what detail, what variety of images you can have in your “movie”.

This is what vision boards and vision movies use.

As with any other singular method, the results are a mixed bag: about 6% of the users see their vision materialize, some sees some result, most see no result.

Why is that? why is it that a Frank Kern, millionaire marketer, can envision in one afternoon a whole life, with a lot of details, like the tiles of the bathroom, and a few years la

Why you are unhappy when you are unhappy

This is a brilliant article… except one thing: I see this same thing across the board, across all ages. 20 to 70…

So this article is probably written about you, accurately, if you are not happy when you are not happy.

Why Generation Y Yuppies, and you! Are Unhappy ((By Tim Urban))

Say hi to Lucy. lucy

Lucy is part of Generation Y, the generation born between the late 1970s and the mid 1990s.  She’s also part of a yuppie culture that makes up a large portion of Gen Y.

I have a term for yuppies in the Gen Y age group—I call them Gen Y Protagonists & Special Yuppies, or GYPSYs.  A GYPSY is a unique brand of yuppie, one who thinks they are the main character of a very special story.

So Lucy’s enjo

A day after the election, regardless of who won, your job is to return to what is YOUR job


It was time for self-reflection today. I am almost done with it.

I have come to the conclusion that it is time to pay attention to what I can control, what is within my control, and give little or no attention to what I can’t… where emotions would run high, fear, anger, concern… for me.

I noticed something today about some of the most successful people I know… which might help you…

Can you guess at how they might have responded to the election?

They did not respond the way that most Clinton supporters did.

And they did not respond the way that most Trump supporters did.

They did something different to the majority… because the crowd tends to be wrong. What makes us, as h

A posthumus case study: Israel “IZ” Kamakawiwo?ole of Hawaii

izBrother Iz

I just listened to Over the Rainbow by Brother Iz… Hawaiian genius entertainer, now dead.

Cause of death: complications from morbid obesity.

I am most interested to know what made him so obese… And so many people in the mourning crowd…

This is a posthumus case study… Something you can learn from… for yourself.

Because, as you know, stuff that is food for another, may not be food for you.

The stuff you eat that is not food for your body needs to be dealt with the body, discard it, detoxify it, or hide it in fat.

Some of the “food” causes blistering and rash in the internal surfaces of your digestive tract, and prevent nutrients from b

The third thinking brain… immersion: the secret to mastery of life and growth

immersion therapyThe first thinking brain, the genes driven brain creates a life of reactivity, full of fear, full of anxiety, full of sharp turns and devastating jerks. I’ve lived there… and I hated it.

The second thinking brain, the one that evaluates, reasons, figures stuff out, is slow and plodding, and hard work. Creates real solutions, keeps you out of trouble… but not really fun.

And then there is the third thinking brain… the work of thinking is done in the background, on the back burner, while the foreground is silent, resting, or busy learning something new..

That is where I live now.

I am getting a few questions about that, and I decided to tell you as much as I can see… the mechani