Conscious Awareness is the greatest predictor of happiness, success, and health… but what about self-discipline?

i-could-use-some-helpEvery so-called guru talks about the subconscious mind, and such nonsense.

What they don’t talk about is how much of what is happening, what is real, what is in front of you is making no impression on you… how little of what is around you, what you are reading, watching, listening to reaches your conscious awareness.

And whatever you do is based on that 1-3% that you actually aware to or the 100%… and you think you have all the facts.

“Everyone operates and makes decisions based on his or her current level of conscious awareness.”

This is why your level of awareness is the most predictive of you success.

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Get well first. I can’t take people to spiritual growth unless they are well

health-spiritualitySource says: You can’t take people to spiritual growth, people who are not well… This is the signal I have been waiting for.

To be able to do Source’s work, I have surrendered to giving you what you want.

You want to grow? Then you want to be well? Not my favorite topic, not as high minded as I hoped I will work… but Source says: I can’t take people to spiritual growth, people who are not well.

Maslow has said it, and it should be self evident: unless your basics are covered, money, health, you won’t have any interest and any energy to give to spiritual growth.

So I have surrendered… OK. I’ll g

Why do spiritual capacities turn off when they turn off? Do you have the correct answer?


Needing it

I have a student whose company moves earth. That is their business. Parking lots, roads, leveling the ground.

Unless you have a clear picture, a clear and accurate mental representation of what a job entails, you can’t bid successfully on it: you may lose your shirt if your mental representation was off. ((The doctor’s mental representation of the state of my injured ear was neither clear nor accurate, and therefore his suggestions to me were way off the mark. This was the topic of my article yesterday…))

When you bought it and yet you can’t see yourself using it…

the principle of taking consciousness out to a spinA few months ago I signed up to a service to create mobile apps, including a mobile app that would make it easier for cell phone users to use this site.

It was mighty expensive, but I thought that if I get just one new customer from it a month, it will pay for itself.

I signed up, and paid the $49 for a few months, but I never did anything with it.

I canceled it a few days ago.

In this article I am going to examine what is the dynamic of this phenomenon: you see something, you want something, and then you don’t do it, y

How you have trained yourself to be a self-hating, powerless puppet

La_confessioneConsciousness, Source, is using me and my life, and my work to map out the human condition.

It’s been consciously so for about five years now.

When something, a sneaky undertow could not be seen on other people, I had to go through the experience to see it.

Without me being cheerfully game, I could say that it is the worst part of my life.

But, remember, the purpose I have invented for my life is to go to the edge, live there a bit, and come back sharing what I s

The story you so diligently protect… that you lie for, you die for…

not-pretty-enough-smallerThe single reason most people don’t want to work with me is this: I will rob them (attempt to) of their sob story. ((Sob story: a repeating way to be miserable, to lose out on life, to be beaten down))

What’s a sob story?

Well, everybody has one… It was born after an incident in early childhood.

Something happened, and you made a decision about yourself, about the world, about your mother.

Some people have interlocking decisions, making the sob story as strong as a Greek myth.

As long as your sob story is intact, you lie through your life to mai

You decide: mind candy or good teaching?

Life is a game. This is your strategy guide


Cover-shallow-1024x626Real life is the game that – literally – everyone is playing. But it can be tough. This is your guide.


You might not realise, but real life is a game of strategy. There are some fun mini-games – like dancing, driving, running, and sex – but the key to winning is simply managing your resource

Learning and growing through simulation

Computer-Games-as-a-Tool-for-Language-Education2Life is a lot like a Freecell game. ((In an upcoming article I’ll share what it cost me to learn through life, instead of simulation. Quite an educational story… sad though… :-())

You make lots of decisions… which card to move, which card to leave alone.

In a very short time when you find yourself with no cards to move… it is mighty hard to retrace your steps. And even if you could, undoing the steps

Do you have free will? Free choice? What is the ego’s role in that?


Genetic determinism ((Genetic determinism is the mechanism by which genes, along with environmental conditions, determine looks and behavior.)) and the ego’s role in it.

I could also have made the title: your horoscope and your ego’s role in it, or your soul correction and your ego’s role in it.

There is a lot of different ways people define ego, but what if the ego is none of those. Not what Freud called ego, not what gurus call ego.

What if the ego is simply the mechanism by which the Selfish Gene perpetuates itself… like an old dog that is un

The difference between feeling confident and being confident… or how you put your life in the hands of a liar

feelings-are-just-visitors-let-them-come-and-go-quote-1It’s Christmas Eve. Strong Southern wind… unusual noises… and bouts of wanting to weep. WTF? There is nothing wrong with my life, I am not connected to anyone in particular, and yet.

I muscle test if it is the Dark Side emotion transmission, and yes, it is…

Feelings come from who knows where, and yet, YOU are basing all your decisions on feelings. How utterly misguided is that?

If the feeling were: you can do it, you’d jump i