The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.
What is the Islamic State?
Where did it come from, and what are its intentions? The simplicity of these questions can be deceiving, and few Western leaders seem to know the answers. In December, The New York Times published confidential comme
People mostly want money. And almost as many people want love. It is all desire for the self alone. Greed.
You want what you want and how you want it on the vibrational level where you are.
Vibrational level, roughly, means: how many and which capacities of the 160 DNA capacities you use in your life.
Most people who are interested in the law of attraction racket are people who have 10-20 capacities of the 160 activated, but only use 10 of those 20.
That should tell you something: you live in a tiny box, self-imposed, and hope in a miracle. Read articles on the law of attraction hoping that you’ll be able to manipul
Natalie Ledwell Inspiration Show The Mind Movie message system is a constant reminder, to the Subconscious Mind, of what it is you want. Remember, it’s your other than conscious mind that does the majority of the work of inviting what you want into your life. Your mind movie is merely a tool to help you […]
Natalie Ledwell Ebook The Mind Movie subliminal message system is a reminder, to your Subconscious Mind, of what it is you want. Remember, it’s your other than conscious mind that does the majority of the work of attracting what you want into your life. Your mind movie is merely a tool for change to help […]
Transformation is the magical seeming phenomenon when from one moment to the other, the world changes in front of our very eyes.
Of course the world argues that you can do anything you put your mind to, but this is a lie. You can do anything that you have the DNA capacities to do.
Capacities can be interpreted as abilities, but there is only a correlation. Talent would be a closer approximation of what DNA capacity is.
I have participated in transformational education for the past 30 years. Mos
I have been wondering what is the real reason behind many of you
1. coming back and reading the articles for years, yet never actually buying anything
2. buying stuff but not using them
I watched a video today, aimed at hypnotherapists.
The similarity between hypnotherapy and what I do is that most of what happens happens in the invisible realm. And what comes up is fear… doesn’t it?
What if she blah blah blah, fill in the blank with your fear.
In this article I want to honor the people who can’t even get themselves into the position of actually try… try and succeed, try and fail, but at least give it a shot
If I asked you what will be the most important capacity to master in the coming years, you would come up with all kinds of capacities, but I bet you would not think of saying: becoming astute.
If you go to the online dictionary, like one of my students did, the one for whom I made this activators, you would not understand why that capacity is important.
I was researching this whole Third Eye humbug on the internet.
Of all the “supernatural” abilities people want, this seems to take the prize!
People want to be special, want to stand out, what to amaze people, but they don’t want to pay the price. Please check if you are part of “people”. My hunch is that if you tell the truth, you’ll find that you are.
Now, what is wrong with this picture?
It violates fundamental spiritual laws.
What are spiritual laws? Why are they spiritual?
Spiritual laws are the laws of the invisible. Energy, for example. Energy is invisible. It can be made
Natalie Ledwell Review A mind movie is a personalized method for you to re-wire your brain in any way you want. Later in this article I’ll give you a link to a software that will allow you create your own. A mind movie is a “digital dream board”… a short, powerful online video that you […]