On Saturday, January 3rd, at exactly 5:42 pm my nose started to bleed. By the time I grabbed something to hold to my nose I was soaked in blood. Red, thick, beautiful blood. Scary. My inner eyes projected a scenario: me, on the floor, dead, in a pool of blood.
I checked my pulse and it was bang, bang, bang, unusually strong. “I must have high blood pressure” I thought. Both my parents died of broken blood vessels… and both my brothers have high blood pressure.
The blood eruption repeated itself at 11:02 pm, three times on Sunday, and twice on Monday.
Monday night, as I was staring at the blank wall contemplating the chances of dying, I suddenly saw my Kabbalah teacher in my mind’s eye. She recently recovered from a nasty disease, and it had done her a world of
Remember T. Harv Eker and his famous saying: How you do anything is how you do everything!?
This article is about that “how”… the all important, life defining, success defining how.
In this article, you and your life is considered a “business”… thriving or failing or stagnating.
If you are human your mind suggests that you already know everything…
If you think you know everything… and I bet you do… consider that in the “how” department, how you know, how you do, how you react, you are a babe in the woods… You know next to nothing.
Why is this?
Because, for some misguided reason, you consider learning a “what” activity…
My site gets a lot of hits… people looking to find out how they too could become astute…
Astute people are happier, wealthier, more popular than others.
Of course they are looking for a quick fix to what the opposite of astute is: blindness, unawareness, cluelessness, being a bumbling idiot, or not being able tell their elbow from their ass.
I am not talking down at anyone… I was looking at myself to come up with those opposites.
We are clueless some of the time, most of us: most of the time.
Recently a man from Switzerland came to the site, bought some of my energy audios, and even came to a call. Although his vibration was very low, he had interesting ideas, and I was excited to work with him.
Today he wrote me a “Dear John” email, saying
Sophie, …you probably wondered why I did not attend the seminar yesterday.
when trying to connect, my computer refused the connection.this expresses a change of mind I felt yesterday.
Do you want to be updated with the latest news about the subject? Do you want to be the first in line about the developments on the subject? Are you itching to get up to the minute information? This blog will have the information that you need that is fresh from the source! You can […]
A diamonds in the rough looks like a piece of rock. If you don’t expect it, you will treat it as a rock. But if you are willing to go beyond the surface, you will be rich. Few people ever do that