Your health number… thoughts from the starting point tests I’ve done

hippocratesHippocrates said: food will be your medicine.

Let’s look at that statement from my experience with myself, and with my clients.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.

– attributed to Hippocrates

Lay people (you) jump into conclusions… and jump from one superfood to the next, from one fad to the next, from one magic bullet to the next.

Modern (ineffective) medicine attacks this statement.
Energy medicine attacks this statement.

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This is the worst news for any he

The wider the availability of food, the less healthy people become

drunk-critterEvery plant is toxic. Every animal is toxic. To one degree or other.

The difference between plants and other plants, from your point of view, is what plant your body can use without much harm, because your body has evolved to handle the toxins in the plant.

Just like high altitudes are deadly for some people, and natural for others, for example the Tibetans, your body can handle some things and can’t handle others.

It takes thousands years of exposure to develop the ability to eat one food and be well, even though it’s toxic.

But no matter what, you’ll always pay the pr

Get well first. I can’t take people to spiritual growth unless they are well

health-spiritualitySource says: You can’t take people to spiritual growth, people who are not well… This is the signal I have been waiting for.

To be able to do Source’s work, I have surrendered to giving you what you want.

You want to grow? Then you want to be well? Not my favorite topic, not as high minded as I hoped I will work… but Source says: I can’t take people to spiritual growth, people who are not well.

Maslow has said it, and it should be self evident: unless your basics are covered, money, health, you won’t have any interest and any energy to give to spiritual growth.

So I have surrendered… OK. I’ll g

Call me blunt, call me judgmental… I don’t care.

indicatorsI am going to share, in this article, some of the judgmental sounding questions I ask when I try to get a full picture about someone who is asking for help.

As you probably don’t know, judgment comes from ego, from comparison. I am smart and you are stupid… that is judgment.

You are stupid isn’t judgment unless you feel something in your chest or throat as you say it. Unless it means something about you.

I feel nothing, or maybe sadness, when I ask these assessment question… that help me make sense out of the convoluted picture each person is.

So I measure your vibration… and it’s, for example, low.

That which does not kill us, makes us stronger

strongA few years ago I lost my sense of smell.

Then I changed my diet and the sense of smell came back.

Surprisingly I often smell things that didn’t seem to be there… Bringing up memories of the times I smelled the same… good smell, bad smell, neutral smell.

It’s hot here, unseasonably hot, and to accommodate it I am taking cold showers and I am eating differently.

I made a dip-like thing I used to love in Hungary and I hadn’t eaten in 35 years… a simple dish mixing spices, butter, and goat cheese, and if you have it, onion or onion powder… the goat cheese is salty enough, so use sweet unsalted butter, and saltless onion powder, or it w

What’s the truth about you? Your health

trace minerals

Trace minerals… what do you need to know

I have been doing these 90 essential nutrient evaluations for about a month now.

Yesterday I had some time and tested a few people I know, clients, readers, friends, and emailed them my findings… at least the numbers.

I sent an email to one of my clients, and she wrote back arguing. I had a typo in the email… by mistake I wrote that she had 90 of the 90 essentials missing… obvious typo.

But yet, there is a question that she didn’t ask, and I want to ask it for he

Why you should not trust your doctor, your nutritionist, your muscle testing…

mental representation of a glass half fullMental Representation… an incredibly useful distinction and an incredibly rare capacity

I loved the book ‘Peak, the new science of expertise’, until almost the very end. Then I got angry.

Somewhere around 90% of the book I noticed that he uses an expression, a phrase, that means something to him, the author, but meant nothing to me.

Now I know how you feel when you read my articles…

The expression he used was “Mental Representation“.

Why Dr. Wallach doesn’t have a wikipedia page?

Close up on DNA chain with a sinister mutationWhy Dr. Wallach doesn’t have a wikipedia page? Why he didn’t win a Nobel Prize, in spite of Nobel Prize worthy discovery?

All evolution is caused by something or someone upsetting the apple cart.

The apple cart with its shiny apples displayed like a pyramid is a good analogy for the workability of the state that needs to be upset for something new, for something higher, for something organized on a higher level of knowledge, on a higher level of evolution, on a higher level of consciousness could emerge.

Eventually that higher level will become the status quo: the ap

Another way to illustrate the level of your consciousness

cutting with dinner knifeWhen you managed to open yourself up to the guidance of consciousness, the guidance is pouring abundantly.

Before, it is a trickle of guidance here, and trickle of guidance there.

In the previous article I told you what I did to get guidance from consciousness in the area of defining the five stages of consciousness, through my methodology can take you through… all the way to the top.

I wrote the article, and then I went to cook some lunch for myself.

As I was slicing onions, then cubing turkey, I saw another way to illustrate the l

One of the things I love about The Sight capacity is that it can take the game over at any point.

it looks like this game losing is a foregone conclusionOf course if the game can’t be saved, then the game can’t be saved.

But even if I, with my physical eyes, and my “brilliant intellect” can’t see that the game can be saved, taken to winning, be turned around, be saved… if it can be, consciousness will see it.

I am very grateful that consciousness is not judgmental, consciousness doesn’t badger me when I mess games up. Games, like my health, games like my diet, games like my marketing, games like my income, games like my relationships.

To the limited perspective of the human mind, I take those games, often, t