“They” want you to hope for a miracle… magic, windfall… And you have been compliant. You buy magical supplements. Start magical diets. Go to magical healers. Buy magical courses. Magic bullet. You have a storehouse of those. I recommended to a new client that she sells it to people who still want a magic bullet. […]
Do you understand digestion? The process?

As you know I do health consulting. Most of it is about how to eat and what to eat.
Yesterday I found out that my clients don’t know how digestion works, and therefore they guess at how to eat… Because this seems to be the general picture, that people never learned about digestion, I see that I need an emergency article…
In this article I rant about widespread ignorance, your ignorance… about how things work. Then I teach you stuff you want to know but never learned… about your body, about eating, about the secrets of being well…
If you want to skip the rant… Posted on in Raise Your Vibration | | Leave a comment
What the Light taught me about YOLO

It’s been an interesting week.
Ever since I’ve started to download the energy of the Days of Power, I’ve been wondering how I am going to know it’s working… how it will manifest, practically, in my life.
Whenever something new comes in, my imagination goes to the known, the familiar, and I guess that is how the human mind works.
So I had no idea what may happen, what could happen, given the energy.
What Will Happen When Earth’s Magnetic Poles Reverse?

Some truth that is not that known, not that accepted, and yet it muscle test as truth and it explains some of what has happened to humanity, the life span, the water, and other thus far unexplained phenomena
According to Dr. Reams, originator of the Reams Biological Theory of Ionization, RBTI as the followers lovingly call it, the Earth has changed its polarity. Or maybe with the polarity shift the planet also changed in what direction it’s spinning..
Now, whether it’s true or not, I don’t know… because, the way I imagine, changing your spin involves having no spin for at least a second… but muscle test says that it is true.
The third thinking brain… immersion: the secret to mastery of life and growth

The first thinking brain, the genes driven brain creates a life of reactivity, full of fear, full of anxiety, full of sharp turns and devastating jerks. I’ve lived there… and I hated it.
The second thinking brain, the one that evaluates, reasons, figures stuff out, is slow and plodding, and hard work. Creates real solutions, keeps you out of trouble… but not really fun.
And then there is the third thinking brain… the work of thinking is done in the background, on the back burner, while the foreground is silent, resting, or busy learning something new..
That is where I live now.
I am getting a few questions about that, and I decided to tell you as much as I can see… the mechani
Leaky gut… 90% chance you have it… Now, how you feel, will start making sense to you

4 Steps to Heal Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Disease
Article truth value: 10%. Why so low: because the author doesn’t know about the fact that all food is toxic to some level to people whose ancestors did not adjust to that food, and develop counter measures.
Also there is a lot of Tree of Knowledge in the suggestions. I’ll add my notes where I can.
Leaky gut syndrome is a rapidly growing condition that millions (about a billion according to my muscle testing) of people are struggling with and don’t know it.
From the sound of it, you m
Is your body stuck in survival mode? Framework for health

This article starts out very philosophical. If you can’t stand that, jump to here…
What is health?
No one has defined it yet, because just like “good” was until Dr Robert Hartman came along to define it, existed only in a context of good this or good that.
What Robert Hartman said is that good is that which fulfills completely its design. That which is most fully itself.
That’s what is a “bitch” about life: what goes up must come down

That’s what is a “bitch” about life, that nothing is EVER in the bag. You have to keep your eyes on it, push it, make the right choices, do it, and then, maybe, it gets into the bag.
I am talking about projects. Big or small, it is never in the bag until it is in the bag.
They say it is not over until the fat lady sings… but that is for spectators, that don’t enjoy the show.
A participant, it is never over until it is done…
No matter how good it looks now, no matter how good it feels now, in the next moment it can tumble, go south, the whol
The story of your life…

One of my greatest revelations about transformational methods was in the Wisdom Course, a year long Landmark program.
It was a method of telling the story of your life.
You can tell the story of your life in a lot of ways.
from abuse to abuse
from success to success
from the point of view of what school you went to
Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/14278/the-story-of-your-life/
Before it’s a mindset, it’s a skill… if you don’t build skills, you can’t change your mindset

Before it’s a mindset, it’s a skill
With that said, please understand, that no one can give you skills. Therefore no one can change your mindset. Your beliefs. Your stored memories. Your misery. Only you can. All those people that do voodoo, thought shifting, energy whatnot, chakra healing, and other instant b.s. are liars, cheaters, fakes, frauds, and impostors.
The decline of humanity, I think, began or was accelerated when people thought that because they understand it, therefore they can do it, and do it at will, do it well, keep it up, etc.
Everything requires skills, and skills need to be built. With practice, over a long time. Just look at crash diets: you lost the weight but you built no skills to eat correctly, to redirect your urges, so you will pack back the pounds and more… No skills, no slim body… very simple.
Go read the rest of the art