Yet another lie that renders you ineffective and stunt your growth…

Yet another lie that renders you ineffective and stunt ((stunt1
st?nt/ prevent from growing or developing properly.
“some weeds produce chemicals that stunt the plant’s growth”
synonyms: inhibit, impede, hamper, hinder, restrict, retard, slow, curb, check More)) your growth…

Our minds are filled with truisms, memes, quotes, that are actually lies.

The lies are carefully designed. Designed by Dark, Evil People… who benefit from you being sheep.

If you believe them, you’ll do their bidding… you’ll make them money, you’ll put them in power.

There are a lot of lies, but in this article I am only concerned with th

One size does not fit all… or How do you know what spiritual practices to cultivate to get the most results?

One-hand-slapping-the-waterSome people want me to give them answers, give them a spiritual practice for growth, to raise their vibration, without allowing me to know anything much about them.

I am an empath, but that doesn’t mean I know your date of birth, or I know your education, your job, your aspirations, your ethnicity…

These are important, because one size doesn’t fit all.

The reason you get more from me than from buying a course, because I give you answers that are a perfect fit to who you are.

But of course the “egalitarian” culture of today… that we are all the same, needing the same food, the s

True or false: “You have to believe that you can succeed to succeed”?

#1 lie that makes you sheepPossibility-Thinking-BSThe teaching that you have to believe that you can succeed is utter b.s.

This teaching has been the secret to more failures than anything else I can find.

  1. You see, you cannot force yourself to believe anything that you don’t believe.
  2. <

Vibrational Review: 5 stages of Consciousness Evolution by Vishen Lakhiani

Vishen Lakhiani becoming limitlessVishen Lakhiani is the owner of MindValley… a huge company promoting gurus and their programs.

The original article was to promote his webinar workshop on becoming limitless, on October 13. The webinar’s job is to promote their continuity, i.e. subscription to the $29 a month Mindvalley Academy.

Because so many people are interested in becoming limitless, or at least happier, I am going to review the article… I can’t review the webinar, or something I haven’t happened… but I can look at the person and his work any time, and make bold assertions to their resu

Each anchor-to-doom pulled has a chance to activate an inactive DNA

The civilized world is sheeple walking meekly into slaughter…

There is no incentive, there is not much room for independent thinking, growth, in today’s world. But how it is is deadly, both on the individual level, and on the level of world politics.

You need to become not politically correct… You need to reclaim your right and abililty to become a human being, who isn’t completely enslaved to the status quo, of doing nice-nice… Getting killed in the process… or just simply dying.

Now that the site is squared away after the crash… We can get to work on making the Epigenetic shifts, the activation of certain DNA in your genome, permanent.

Each anchor-to-doom pulled has a chance to activate an inactive DNA.
And as we have said before, actions, small actions, consistent with an active DNA are needed to make the shift permanent.

The list is long, and I don’t have it… This is why I recommend that if you have had your anchor-to-doom pulled, you participate, at le

Announcing an unusual coaching program, part of Reclaim

Have you ever wondered how upgrading dna works? Doesn’t it baffle your mind a bit? Doesn’t it spark your curious mind, and make you think incessantly about it? Are you interested in learning facts, trivia and other interesting information about it? You have come to the right place because every so often we update this […]

What’s the difference between a DNA activation and self-control? Self-improvement, self-development?

your-doomI said in the last article and I say it here again: We are all born with a full “Christmas tree” loaded with ornaments i.e. genes. Some of those ornaments light up, some of those don’t. The capacities that those … Continue reading

When your successes are temporary and your failures always return… The anchor to doom attachment

1362585031_rachel-weisz-640-300x221The anchor to your doom attachment What gives it away is the implied inevitability. The language. That it’s always, or never. Like I am never going to be successful. Stings. Hurts. My eyes are watering. I scramble to avoid it, … Continue reading

John Assaraf review, especially his Winning the inner game of money

Winning the inner game of money is the course John Assaraf is offering nowadays. Should you buy it? Will it suddenly enable you to make money in spite of yourself? John Assaraf personal vibration: 150 truth value of what he … Continue reading

The price of pretending being kind, nice, friendly, etc. All your colors vs. your true colors painted over… choose

In this article we are going to look at pretense, and what it cost you. It cost you more than it gains you… but the biggest cost is that you are stuck and you can’t go to the next level.
“All the colors I am inside have not been invented yet,” wrote Shel Silverstein, in his children’s book *Where the Sidewalk Ends.* It’s especially important for you to focus on that truth in the coming weeks. I say this for two reasons. First, it’s imperative that you identify and celebrate a certain unique aspect of yourself that no one else has ever fully acknowledged. If you don’t start making it more conscious, it may start to wither away. Second, you need to learn how to express that unique aspect with such clarity and steadiness that no one can miss it or ignore it

In the last blog post I spoke about all the ways you hide that you are a human, unwilling to be caring, loving, nice, accommodati