How your past self is creating your future and what you can do about it

you cannot live in the future, you have to live in the now momentThere is a Landmark Education distinction that no one gets…

It has a huge overlap with the distinction “you live in a world of your own design”.

This, the “you live in a world of your own design” is somewhat like the Law of Attraction: you attract what you are… but much deeper. It is BEING that, not feeling, or thinking only, though you may feel and think it as well.

But thinking and feeling don’t create being… the reverse, the opposite is tr

How Visualization Can Help You Attain Results… and Why It Probably Won’t?

visualizationVisualization is a tool to accomplish what you want, but it can also be the tool to diagnose what you are not resonating with. Or a tool to get trapped in the desire trap.

The ultimate clue as to what you can have and hold onto, is to what degree you can visualize, what detail, what variety of images you can have in your “movie”.

This is what vision boards and vision movies use.

As with any other singular method, the results are a mixed bag: about 6% of the users see their vision materialize, some sees some result, most see no result.

Why is that? why is it that a Frank Kern, millionaire marketer, can envision in one afternoon a whole life, with a lot of details, like the tiles of the bathroom, and a few years la

What will it take for you to steer your life to the good life? Not what you think!

I don’t want to change you into my vision of you. Rather, I want to motivate you into becoming the person you are capable of becoming.

– Life Mapping (Bill Cohen)

Display and existence. These are two Landmark distinctions.

As I am looking at my students, the biggest missing is not intelligence, not diligence, it is these two distinctions.

I am still doing the preparation series for the mapping your life, or lifemapping workshop: I want you to come and do the work, instead of listening to me doing teaching.

Every learning is 5% input, and 95% you doing what you need to do, practicing it, using it, putting it into action.

So this is what these distinction and the article about

How is living is like writing a book? Good writing is re-writing…

writers-gif2Let’s see how you write… and then we’ll see how you live your life.

Most people first-draft-people… they never re-write. Others carefully craft the format, but don’t touch what they said… the content. And then others wait until they think they have something profound to say… and that is rarely.

All good writing is re-writing. Both writing literature and “writing”, crafting your life, your story. ((Most people never re-write. They present their first draft in everything. A real good secret of how not to amount to anything or much)) If you are not willing to write badly you are not willing to write well either. And if you can’t see that your first draft is bad, you will never look at it again.

In this arti

What is the typical reason people don’t do anything with their lives?

success-will-never-be-a-big-stepWhat is the typical reason people don’t do anything with their lives?

That’s a loaded question, but it’s a valid question.

I have done a lot of observation and thinking on this.

I have come to the conclusion that the core issue is stinginess that results in scarcity thinking and scarcity behavior.

I will list a few variations: I am sure that you’ll find yourself…

This is how it goes:

  1. You don’t quite know what you want from your life. So you postpone doing anything until you know… which is never.
  2. You know what you want to achieve, what you want from your life, but there is no path that you can see. You

The quality of your life boils down to actions… and each and every action is a result of a choice

If nothing changes. the future is predictableThe current state of human intelligence… and I mean the overall intelligence, can be easily tracked on detective movies… British ones are more honest than American movies.

As you may know, I like to watch those… I learn from them as much as from any course, while I am entertained as well.

The quality of a person’s life, your life, boils down to actions… and each and every action is a result of a choice.

The accuracy of your actions is a function of how many patterns you recognize in the world.

If nothing changes about you, your future i

I expect you to hate me from time to time. It is part of the process.

colorfilter-largeSome people come around at some point. Some sooner than others.

The ones that come around tell me that after a while they actually could see what I pointed out. I respect them for that.

Ever since I embraced being stupid, integrated it into my personality, stupid became a phase rather than a conclusion.

What do I mean? Listen up, this is important!

subpricolorsWhen you look at something, you see what you see. (Same with hearing!) You see wh

How I use ego to get over myself…

pride-of-the-lionI expect you to hate me from time to time. It is part of the process. Some people come around at some point. Some sooner than others. The ones that come around tell me that after a while they actually … Continue reading

We all have filters. Should we get rid of them? Are they all bad?The Nature of Reality: Glimpses, reality, filters: why is the world the way world is… different for different people?What is intelligence, really? And how does intelligence raise your vibration?Second Phase: How Bilocation Saved My Life

Learn awareness, the strongest indicator of a health, wealth, love, and happiness

distinctions-are-the-secret-sauceChangeability, adaptability is the secret of living a consistently good life… but changeability and adaptability depend on awareness. As your awareness grows in the four pillars of the good life, so your success and the quality of your life…

By the way, did you notice I didn’t say “learn about awareness…” but that is what you read? Right?

In the old Forum program, the Forum Leader came in, screaming at us, poor unsuspecting brand new participants: For you everything is the same as everything else.

It took me years to decipher that and see that it is true.

In the Advanced Course they said the same th

Case study: how to have spiritual growth with practical results

slow-progressI am completing the third cycle of the 67 steps.

It’s taken me seven months and 10 days…

Lots have changed since I started.

I have, so far, dropped 23 pounds, about 10 kg. My bone structure is starting to show… starting. I didn’t diet, but I completely overhauled my diet, removed everything that doesn’t agree with my body, and added all the nutrients that are essential. I feel good, I have no cravings, and it is very sustainable… I can live like this till the day I die.

I have gone from completely sedentary, because of pain, to sprightly, as some people called me yesterday. I now only have pain when walking.

I am in better mood than ever, I laugh easily, and feel good about my life, about life itself, about