What is soul correction and why would the “divine” part of you need correction?
Let me explain:
The Universe has three energetic components: the positive, the negative, and the neutral.
This repeats itself on every level, the micro and the macro…
On the macro level the positive, giving component is The Force. The negative, receiving component are the souls, and the neutral/restrictive component is the individual’s consciousness.
Passover and Easter around, you’ll spend time with family. You’ll see examples of “No One Is A Prophet In Their Own Land.”
You’ll be on both sides… by the way. But if you are one of my students, you will feel that you have something to teach your family: and no one will be interested. Get prepared!
In fact they will try to discourage you from continuing to pursue what you pursue when you spend time with me or my writing.
I’ve been teaching the Original Design for five years.
None of the original participants, that were my friends, are around, except one… barely.