How the abilities activation effects children

Cooking-kids3I activated the abilities of The Sight and Appreciation a few days ago… This is the email I received this morning… unsolicited, of course.

Good morning Sophie. I finally settled in. I would like to share the change that I see after your activation of the two DNA capacities. The first thing I noticed is in my kids.

My daughter in the past never wanted to help when she was cooking or baking even though she wouldn’t have a clue what needs to be done: She had an “I already know attitude.” Now whenever she is baking she accepts little tips like what needs to go in a cookie batter. Or asks me what goes next.


What holds you back?

different-strokesI have been wondering what is the real reason behind many of you

1. coming back and reading the articles for years, yet never actually buying anything
2. buying stuff but not using them

I watched a video today, aimed at hypnotherapists.

The similarity between hypnotherapy and what I do is that most of what happens happens in the invisible realm. And what comes up is fear… doesn’t it?

What if she blah blah blah, fill in the blank with your fear.

In this article I want to honor the people who can’t even get themselves into the position of actually try… try and succeed, try and fail, but at least give it a shot

What is the real cost of not having The Sight and Appreciation DNA capacity?

cost-of-coffeeWhat is the real cost of not having The Sight and Appreciation DNA capacity?

Now that I have quite a few of you have these new capacities activated, I have an insight into the cost of not having had the DNA capacity active before… and to not have it be activated now, when you can.

My conversation with a guy from Holland is a good way to see the cost of not having “The Sight” activated:

He asks a valid question: (If this looks familiar, the first few comments are also in another article… just stay with it, it is worth your time. You’ll see yourself, and that is priceless.)

is it possible t

People who say the whole truth was revealed to them are lying. Even if their name was Moses…

moses made up a whole story from an insightThe nature of “revelation” is that you get a glimpse beyond the veil, then the veil closes.

People who talk about “grand” revelations are filling in the gaps in sight and memory with their imagination, that is why most things you read have a very low truth value. 1%-10%… very few over 20%.

So what is the process that allows revelation to create a system of higher truth value?

My experience has been that experimentation, using the fresh and dramatic information as a starting point, you start to poke the edges of the unkn

What is a DNA capacity activator, what is a DNA activation? What else can be activated? What changes when it is activated?

your intrinsic value can only be seen by someone who had that appreciation DNA capacity turned onThis article expresses a turning point in my work… read it fully if you can.

Some of you may wonder why I am not starting the new Second Phase Activators course… after all I have done it three years ago…

But truth be told… I have learned so much in these three years… that the new course needs a lot of work… maybe not a lot of time, but a lot of thought and technology. And now that I am working on

After the DNA capacity activated: what is it like?

7216581_f520Some unexpected fallouts and insights from activating the newly discovered DNA capacity to all those people…

Suddenly this client thinks, for the first time, to ask how to speak to her mother in law who goes to her house, picks up her ironing and cleans her house…

Here is the whole conversation… this is an issue that SHOULD come up for everyone, because the idea of being interested in how a communication lands is one of those things, being able to see the consequences of your action. Communication is action!

So here is the email conversation where I teach her how to 1. be appreciative 2. be kind 3. be effective without forc

Let’s talk a little bit of what would make you first want to participate with me, buy stuff, and then go away?

Hope-whispers-maybe-245x300What attracts you to me and my site is hope. And what takes you away is also hope.

Hope is a state where you don’t accept the way it is, you, others, the world, and you are looking for some light that others promise, that others seem to get, but not you.

You base hope on the view you have of others.

Hope also signifies a state where all needs to come from the outside, because you’re sure don’t have it.

You are like a moth being attracted to any light, even if it is fire that burns it.

I got a vibrational measurement request from a client. His vibration dropped 70 points. I c

What does your email address tell about you?

keep calm and om... buddha on t-shirtI just sent out a bunch of emails to people that I wasn’t sure wanted to get my emails.I wanted the ones that didn’t, to unsubscribe. Why? Because I don’t like to anger people… and people anger really easily…

The people on this list asked to learn from me. Learn to connect to Source, learn to slip out of the mind, really important stuff.

Many unsubscribed. My hunch: many of them didn’t even open my email.

I removed the ones that unsubscribed, one by one… Time consuming, but it was worth it.

I gleaned an insight that I want to share with you:

90% of those

Connecting to Source your way

imagination... arroganceI think we humans are alternating between two extremes: being slavish, and being arrogant.

Either extreme is detrimental to your growth as a person.

I have been in an email exchange with a woman who tries to connect every day, and then describes to me her experience and asks me to muscle test if she connected or not.

I comply, but even from her experience it is clear to me that she imagined how it could feel to connect to something… but the experience of connecting to Source is not even similar to what she describes.

She promised to actually do it with me and with the video.

I have been working on starting to lead courses again.

course-1I’ve taken a break, recharged my batteries, and I am ready…

The first step I needed to do is to look at the courses I have already lead, to get a sense that in fact I CAN lead effective courses…

I listened into a whole lot of the recorded sessions. I learned that I have fun leading (I laugh a lot), that the material is amazing, and that the students love participating.

I have decided on doing the second phase activators course… this time with the new energies that eliminate the need for you to be connected while I download the activators… A good 20 minutes each hour was spent on making sure you are connected when I last lead that course.