I was lead to an old article of mine. Controversial, and I bet not very useful. I wrote it four and a half years ago. I have grown a lot since then. In the article I was attempting to guide … Continue reading → Related Posts: How do you live your life to develop intelligence? […]
You can have anything but not at the same time

Life, happiness, well-being, prosperity is achieved and maintained only on a narrow and hemmed-in path (the strait), the opposite of what you wish it were, the opposite you see others have, the opposite you see on television, on ads.
You have been duped. You have swallowed the lie, hook, line and sinker and you have been paying the price.
Your life is empty, purposeless, meaningless, and you have nothing to look forward to.
Last night I was pondering, instead of sleeping, ((which is quickly becoming my new habit, I mean not sleeping,)) what is the behavioral, emo
What is the first phase of raising your vibration? Raising your consciousness level?
The first phase of raising your vibration is unlearning. Letting go. Getting rid of attachments, the chains that hold you down. Most people have a few attachments. The ones that don’t have any outside attachments, have the two that everyone … Continue reading → Related Posts: Winners don’t fight what is: they use it. The […]
Emotions are like fire storms, cause incoherence, and are the most manipulated aspects of a human

The best way to examine whether emotions give you a reliable internal guidance system is looking at the flip side of emotions. In emotional terms, for example, love’s opposite is hate, disgust, being appalled, repelled. But if you look at … Continue reading →
Read More http://www.yourvibration.com/9970/emotions-guidance/
Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
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How old are you being? What is the age of your behavior? What is your emotional age?
Sophie Benshitta Maven The human mind is a pattern seeking, pattern interpreting machine. Yet very few people ever pay attention to the patterns. One of the patterns they would notice, if they paid attention
Boys, Girls, Gender, coming to peace – Tigers and Bears, oh my!
boys… I always wanted to be a boy. They seem unperturbed, laugh a lot. Today I prefer to be a woman. But as a child I really KNEW something was missing, and for years