When we live on the 14th and the 15th floor of our being, where words and the added emotional content govern our lives, we are utterly miserable. We have no control over our emotions: others have, words have. We eat … Continue reading → Related Posts: Chasing the blue bird of happiness How the Tree […]
The pain of being devalued…

We all have a need to fulfill others expectations of us, and also some of us have the need to fulfill our own expectations of ourselves.
Now, what if someone says something about you, or something that you like, find important, says something that conflicts with what you think about yourself, your self-image? Your “I” you consider your Self. (it isn’t… by the way)
Your experience is that you are devalued. ((devaluation. means The decrease in value of one currency in relation to another, usually by action of the government. When a currency is devalued, it buys less in foreign markets.))
The lower your vibration, the more it hurts.
And when someone puts dow
Behavioral strategies vs. beingness strategies

We all want to be loved. It’s hardwired, because being loved is the surest way to be fed, as a child, get sex as an adult, be promoted or helped as an adult.
Its purpose is survival.
The organism wants to survive, desperately.
We don’t know what that love is, but we want it. And some of us want to earn it.
I just followed a link that introduced me to Chris Farley, a fat comedian, who died… because he could not live without that love. ((Chris Farley is the fat guy