Updated: Happiness is an energetic phenomenon… remove blockages to restore the flow

restoring-the-flowHappiness is an energetic phenomenon, it is not a “feeling” per se, albeit it is a feeling of flow.

Well-being is also an energetic phenomenon… and just like happiness, it is a feeling of flow.

Flow is the undisturbed, unrestricted life force. It’s energetic. It is real. It is not a feeling… it cannot be pretended.

Your mind cannot pretend that there is flow, you cannot imagine flow and flow would happen. It happens the other way around: there is flow and then your mind catches up with it… only to often just block it again

This is just for my empath students…

little-girl… when I snitched on my brother and he got beaten…

When you are young, and you don’t know you are an empath… life is very confusing.

It was confusing to me until, at around age 50, I decided to grow up. So it may be still confusing to you.

You feel being beaten when another is beaten. Very confusing. You feel their feelings, their emotions, and your own. It is often enough to push someone into schizophrenia. You are two people at the same time.

If you are not strong enough, you are gone.

Now, if your originating incident, the incident you made a big decision about yourself and

Want to avoid negative emotions? Stupid move!

Why you must go through emotional phases, no matter how high your vibration, or how successful you are You imagine that when you’ll have raised your vibration sufficiently, you won’t have sadness, hopelessness, despair… frustration, hate, spite, resistance, and such. … Continue reading → Related Posts: Talk back to me: When I allow myself to […]

The dangers of having empathy…

understandI saw something really important this morning.

One of my students is planning to build a business that he can do while working for a big corporation full time.

He knows what he wants to do. He knows why he wants to do it. He has the skills: he is good at it. If he gets a client: the client will be happy.

But… having a product, a service, is one thing. Selling it is another thing.

To sell anything doesn’t need you to be good at doing the service, or creating a good product.

Selling is a whole other business.

You either need a partner who can sel

Learned Helplessness: 50% of humanity is a wuss, a sissy… a cry-baby. In 1945 it was 7%… In Jesus’ time it was 1%

lazy-vs-learned-helplessnessLearned helplessness, this is today’s topic. The opposite of “Bring it on…!” Your life depends on which is your dominant attitude.

Which attitude will get you what you want?

No contest, I hope, learned helplessness will get you more of the same.

50% of the world’s population behaves like they can’t handle it. It is learned helplessness… it is not innate. But it feels innate…

But it is, in reality, a reflex built and initiated by parents, religion, school, and politi

What makes soap operas addictive? What are YOU hooked on?

got-its-hooks-in-youVery “interesting” experience. I watched the first year of Dexter, and although I wanted to watch all episodes, the first year was not addictive.

But I had a premonition about the rest of the series.

Made up by skilled television writers, I knew it was going to be something dangerous to my well-being.

Unneeded complications, many different side-story lines, all dramatic and irrelevant, all stories I would not watch Netflix for. But all of these side-stories had a claw as sharp as the tiny hooks of burr… of v

Behavioral strategies vs. beingness strategies

dying to be lovedWe all want to be loved. It’s hardwired, because being loved is the surest way to be fed, as a child, get sex as an adult, be promoted or helped as an adult.

Its purpose is survival.

The organism wants to survive, desperately.

We don’t know what that love is, but we want it. And some of us want to earn it.

I just followed a link that introduced me to Chris Farley, a fat comedian, who died… because he could not live without that love. ((Chris Farley is the fat guy

What’s going on?

I’ve been sitting here, unable or unwilling to do anything… Unfamiliar feeling. I finally asked the question: why?

And then it hit me: I am either feeling Dark Side emotions transmitted, or you are not breathing.

What’s going on?

It feels like you are waiting for something to blow over… like a storm.

Anything I don’t know about? You can’t pay your rent? Your mortgage?

Is it Christmas? I feel it is about money…

Please talk to me…

Read the original article: What’s going on?

Power tip: locate yourself… in reality

locate-yourselfOne of the things that immediately de-fuses an explosive situation, being frazzled, stress, etc. is accurately identifying what is going on, where you are at.

It takes stepping outside of the situation, looking at it from there, to identify what is going on.

You may have over committed… and so you are overwhelmed
You may have made promises without consulting the people you live with, and so your are out of integrity
You may be trying to prove that you are special… so you are in greed


Once you see exactly what the situation is, restoring peace, restoring calm, restori

As long as you are stuck, no new capacities will be working… Cinematherapy anyone?

Inside-Out-Study-Guide-683x1024Most people are stuck… movement is not possible. It can be total or it can be partial.

To see where you are stuck is difficult, because the cause, the stuck part can be several layers deep.

A skilled coach or therapist may fail to find the linchpin issue, because in the normal course of a therapy, it is talking, the words, that are masking it.

One of my students in the Reclaim program has chosen to work with the idea of inspiring movies. Using movies to unstuck pe