What is energized water?

This article explains what is energized water, what energizing does to the water, the difference between water in nature or from your tap, and energized water.

A few years ago I had a conversation with a well known guru. I shared with him that energized water is amazingly smooth, easy to …

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What is the fundamental and profound difference between a human and a human being?

The level of evolution where you are is called human. The next level is called human being.

I know, I know, everyone says, even the dictionary, that you are a human being, but it’s a misnomer.

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Levels of consciousness explained

If we continue with the analogy of climbing a circular staircase, in each paradigm you can be at the bottom of the steps on the top, or anywhere in between. ((Look at the picture on the left: on the bottom there is crowding, competition… towards the top less and less people are on the steps… that is exactly how it is in raising your consciousness… people give up.))

Let’s consider that it takes 100 rotations to get to the top of the staircase inside your current paradigm. Wherever you are, you’ll find yourself somewhere on that 1 to 100 scale. Most likely closer to the bottom… Sorry.

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Christmas, alone, my empath mother, being the true empath, and getting to no thing

As far as I can see back, Christmas was a painful reminder that I am alone.

I always wanted to go home… home was a place where I longed to be, but I had no idea what that would be like. Surely where I lived wasn’t home. Surely the people I was with left me feeling alone.

Later, relationship made my life busy, but I still felt alone. Not envying others, not something wrong, just alone. Like you are on the top of a mountain, and no one to share the experience with.

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Awakenings… your one way out of the misery

There have been several awakenings in my life.

The first potential awakening was when I was 22 years old. I had been in the mental hospital for two weeks and my condition didn’t get better, no matter what they did to me. They even tried to use insulin shock therapy on me… that’s really bad, if you want to know the truth.

Then, as a last resort, they sent me to the “showers” that you should know from the Cuckoo’s nest movie… halfway though the “showers” I snapped out of it. There I was stark naked, and the misery wasn’t me, it wasn’t even mine.

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Updated: Can your teacher teach you what you want to learn?

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the conditions that surround him… The unreasonable man adapts surrounding conditions to himself… All progress depends on the unreasonable man.”This post was triggered by me reading a few really good articles… Observing myself I was really clear, that although I enjoyed the articles, it never became knowledge, it stayed information.

Words don’t teach. Speaking only talks to the mind… Real teaching happens NOT when you get stuff with your mind… Transformation doesn’t happen in the mind: transformation happens by taking you out of your mind… All that talking keeps you in the mind. Alas…
Growing up I lived in the shadows of my famous father. He was some kind of genius in the area of economics…

As I was dyslexic, and the public opinion of me was that I was a moron and a failure, he took it on himself to tutor me in my schoolwor

the doors to heaven swing on little hinges or the delusion that keeps them closed

>What’s missing that ALL self-improvement, self-development products end up on the “fraud” pile that is as high as mount Everest?

Ultimately there are two types of teachers:

Can do (occasionally) what they teach, but unaware and unconscious of what they are doing

Can’t even do what they teach, but expect you to do it regardless

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The evolutionary approach to your inner stress, lack, negativity, and misery

This article stands the current culture and the current approach to spirituality, consciousness, self-growth on its head… If you are happy to be miserable, please don’t read it!

Watch this short movie. If it doesn’t bring tears in your eyes, pain in your heart, then probably this article isn’t for you

A Brave New World… can you take it? Or the real reason why you have inner stress?

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Vibrational Review: Gerald O’Donnell, the academy of remote viewing and influencing reality

Vibrational Review: Gerald O’Donnell, ACADEMY OF REMOTE VIEWING AND INFLUENCING REALITY, Personal vibration: 180, slightly above pride, but below integrity His teaching’s truth level: 195 Teaching is fear-based and tree of knowledge and/or the plane of imaginary entities. That much about remote viewing and Gerald O’Donnell One of my students buys everything he every published, so I have measured his vibration earlier: it was higher. I guess fear (the Aspen vibration) has lowered his vibration… but even then it wasn’t above 250: I can’t remember. Now, another student of mine forwarded his 2012 message to me: as an empath I was flooded with negative feelings even without reading it.

Vibrational Review: Access Consciousness, the Bars class, Gary Douglas, Rikka Zimmermann

the “Bars class” as taught by Access Consciousness Gary Douglas founder of Access Consciousness, personal vibration: 300, method’s vibration: 200. It is low because it is based on falsehood, yet it works… very puzzling, isn’t it? Gary is an empath This healing modality identifies 32 points on each side of the head. when you touch the points that are symmetrical, you create a bar