Want to be the one who is making the decisions in your life?

back-to-the-future-2This week has been a success for Life, and a disaster financially. Everyone was spending their money on turkey, I guess.

So I am going to announce some sales for this coming week. I’ll make them good… so you’ll buy.

Now, about the successes that lead me to a huge insight.

All that people do is guided by memes, and they think they decided to do it. And you think they decided to do it from the goodness of their heart, from the badness of their heart, whatever seem to be the case. But in fact they never decided anything… It is the memes that are doing the deciding.

This is a totally different way to look at people, at life, and at what’s happening.

You can use this to re-interpret your past.

Eat right, live right for your type… How to regain your health and vitality in a few weeks time


You want more out of life…

You want to raise your vibration… maybe that’s the way to attract love, money, happiness to your life.

But you don’t have enough energy to do the work that would raise your vibration…

You are stuck between a rock and a hard place…

We each want to be unique, special, one of a kind. At the same time we want to be able to pigeonhole ourselves, so we can know how we are, so we can know what to eat, or what to pursue in life.

Download the pdf version of this article at the end of the article

Can you be selfish and generous at the same time?

desire for the self alone is the only evil there isI am reading Richard Dawkins’ The Selfish Gene. The genes that use humans as vehicles, and are only interested in procreation, and not in the life experience of the vehicle.

But, as I have said before, there are 160 intangible capacities, mostly dormant, in the human DNA. The ones that we are going to look at in this article are the capacities (genes) of generosity (altruism) and trust.

Trust and generosity seem to be at odds with the selfishness of the genes… but they don’t have to be.

The crucial decider… is that a word?, is whether the gene of envy is turned on, or

Does this ever happen to you?

Profiteer-Agency-Worker-Bait-And-SwitchYou are making all the right moves, you feel on the top of the world, smart, dashing… and then reality comes crashing down…

  • the game you were playing bottoms out: you lose
  • the person you were charming says something like: I have to go to pee
  • the product you produced, book, website, whatever, attracts no response
  • your carefully crafted story falls flat on its face… and lots of more examples I could give…

What happened? What the f… happened? For

Dark mood… what caused it and how I got out of it?

dark-mood-2Today I descended into the kind of dark mood I used to live in all the time. It’s been long coming. Even someone with my abilities, can be worn thin… and this is what’s been happening. I can only imagine … Continue reading

Human Nature And The Activation

Human Nature And The Activation I have been puzzling over the profound indifference mixed with resentment 1 over the Planetary Activation of The Original Design. As I have said in other blog posts of mine, this activation effects every human being and every country on earth that accepted the activation. At present there are a handful of Central European countries that have not accepted, and they muscle-test for Dark Side Dominance. But what about the rest of the people, some 7 billion people? Why aren’t they grateful, why aren’t they rejoicing?